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《暗黑破坏神3》GC 2008: Jay Wilson 访谈录 (共7篇)

2010-02-04 14:47:52 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...

inDiablo.de: Yes.

Jay Wilson: No, we would not do anything like that. If we allow you to cast - for example - a blizzard-spell, we will let you cast it anywhere. For the most part, if you did that, it makes certain spells the thing that nobody wants to take.

inDiablo.de: How will you guaranteee that Diablo 3 will not be censored or rated 18+ in germany?
Jay Wilson: The biggest thing is, that we are targeting not to be an 18+ game. If we were to get an 18+ rating, we would likely make some changes to the german edition, to make sure it would not get this rating. But we handle those things pretty far in advance. We are already talking about the rating and what qualifies as an 18+ rating in europe to make sure that we do not hit that level, because we definitely want to make sure that the game is sold here.

inDiablo.de: When a character dies, will it lose gold and experience like in Diablo 2?

Jay Wilson: We have not actually decided on the final death mechanic. I can guarantee that you will not lose experience. We are not urging to big penaltys for death. But we want enough of a penalty to be there, so that death has meaning! Like to lose a little bit time, some kind of decrement... We do not currently have a durability, but some kind of ... a gold cost is actually not so bad. And having the player to waste some time, that is certainly an element. Generally we kind of rely on the effect that players do not want to die. You know, you just do not want to. So there is no real reason to add a further "ding" to them for something happening that was already unfavorable to them. But we have not got our final mechanics on that, yet.

inDiablo.de: Will I be able to switch the languages to play in english or whatever language I want?
Jay Wilson: I honestly do not know. How we exactly are going to handle globalization to that level is not something we know this far in advance. Obviously we will localize it in german and we will localize it in english, but I am not sure whether it will be on the same disc.
概括:这段是说是不是只有英语一个语种还是可选语言游戏的。Jay Wilson这回说他确实不知道。他希望的是可以语言本地化。但不确定是不是语言包在一个盘里。

inDiablo.de: Are you going to integrate well known Items like the Stone of Jordan, the Harlequins Crest and so on?

Jay Wilson: We will probably do a mix of both. At this point we have really not gotten into the legendary kind of level in terms of items. We have focused mostly on the magic and rare items. We have some legendary items in the game, but they are not final. Most of them are kind of joke items that we are going to take out of the game before we release it. But we probably bring back items from Diablo 2, I do not see why we would not, but we will also have new ones.


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