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《暗黑破坏神3》GC 2008: Jay Wilson 访谈录 (共7篇)

2010-02-04 14:47:52 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...
Jay Wilson: I think the RPG market in general is very interesting. I think we can look at an isolated genre, like the Diablo genre, and say, "Oh, its not a very good genre." There havent been a lot of successful games that have come out, and the ones that have havent even approached Diablo IIs success. But I think thats kind of true in almost any subgenre of RPGs.

I think that if you look at the BioWare games, which are great, [youll find] that there are not that many games that are like them. Theyre almost like their own genre in and of themselves. I think its because RPGs are generally very challenging to make, and each one for different reasons. The hardest thing involved in making a game like Diablo is that you have to rely very heavily on replayability, randomness, and scope of content. On the surface, it looks like a very simple game to make, but name another game out there that has over 100 monsters -- individual, unique types of monsters -- that isnt an MMO. Theres not a lot, and its because thats not easy to do. Its a lot of content to create.

Or games that have randomly-generated environments with randomly-generated encounters. Not easy things to do, but those things are key. Its what keeps Diablo interesting over time. And its one of the reasons that, I think, you havent seen many games succeed in that genre.

GameSpy: Other games have tried to do randomly-generated content without much success. Why is it that Diablo can make it work?

Jay Wilson: I honestly think that randomness is incredibly hard to do, and incredibly expensive. And so, to a certain degree -- and I hate to throw it down to just this -- its a resource problem more than anything else. If youre going to make a really cool dungeon -- lets say a good-sized dungeon probably would be, if you use our dungeon as an example, 12 to 15 rooms is what you need to create. Maybe even a little bit less; we find six to eight rooms can take you 15 to 20 minutes to get through. Thats actually a good amount of time for a single level. Maybe you repeat it a couple so times so you get up to 20 [rooms]. It takes about 80 rooms to make a truly random dungeon -- a dungeon that feels random. So you look at that, and its about four or five times the amount of content. And the creation of background content is one of the biggest bottlenecks in the creation of games.

When you look at games, they dont have problems creating characters. Animation is a bit of a bottleneck, because theres so much animation required nowadays, but if you look at any game company and see who theyre trying to hire at any one time... I dont know anybody who isnt trying to hire background people. Part of it is that theres so much background to create, and part of it is that most people would rather create a big, giant monster than a tree. But boy, what we wouldnt give for some good tree creators! People who love to create trees are worth their weight in gold!

GameSpy: Back in the days before it was formally announced, it almost seemed feasible that Diablo III would be some kind of free-to-play game. That isnt so much the case anymore. Did you ever consider any alternate commerce models?

Jay Wilson: The way we tend to approach things is, we make the game we want to make, and then we figure out the financial model that works for that game. We never -- its actually a big deal -- we never, ever go, "Hmm, microtransactions would make us lots of money! Lets figure out a way to force them into the game when its not appropriate!" That, to us, is a recipe for failure. Now, on the other hand, you cant make a game and then go, "this financial model wont really support us, but who cares?" Its gotta be a balance, but the game has to come first. We actually havent decided on a financial model for Diablo III at this time.


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