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《暗黑破坏神3》GC 2008: Jay Wilson 访谈录 (共7篇)

2010-02-04 14:47:52 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...


Jay Wilson- To move from primarily 2D to 3D increases the demands on artists and game designers a lot. There is so much going on visually in Diablo III, and our primary concern is to make sure that the player doesnt lose the overview. For example darkness doesnt work the same way in a 3D world as in a 2D world. You have to take lighting and surroundings into account, things that are much easier in a 2D world.

Since Diablo III will be much more tactically oriented than the previous games, its crucial that the player can distinguish the monsters. Thus the team initially tried to emulate the visual look of the predecessors - only now in 3D. However, the result was not satisfactory. The gamers couldnt tell the monsters apart from each other. However, Wilson is aware of the widespread criticism over the visual style, which a group of fans has been voicing since the announcement:

Jay Wilson- Its something we expected and you know, I can understand it. However, I can assure you, weve tried a lot of things and the less dark graphics work better in a 3D environment. Its very easy for a 2D artist to make areas more or less dark without the player losing his orientation. But thats not the case with 3D graphics. I think that as soon as the gamers try Diablo III for themselves, they will realise that we made the right decision.

But the developer has taken notes and has actually decided to change some of the things the players have been worried about - for example the very clean caves. These will get an improved look but it will not happen till the final portion of the development process.




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