Dorian and Varric
Dorian: 一个来自商人工会的议员为什么要加入一场对抗古老邪恶的战争?
Varric: 我也可以问一个养尊处优的塔文特贵族同样的问题。
Dorian: 你不能说我是养尊处优的!已经好几个礼拜没人给我剥葡萄了!
Varric: 和Josephine 谈谈。她会给你安排的。
Dorian: 那么你是怎么估计这事儿的,Varric?你觉得我们能赢?
Varric: 你不是在叫我拿我们亲爱的判官是否能成功这事儿打赌吧?
Dorian: 那会是什么样的?三赔一?(大笑)
Varric: 赌他/她赢?
Dorian: 在Corypheus 从他的屁股里拉出一条大恶魔之后,你在开玩笑吗?
Inquisitor: 你还真赌我输?
Dorian: 好了好了,如果没有我的加入,赔率至少会是五赔一。
Inquisitor: 我接受这赔率。
Dorian: 看,证明你的自信的机会到了,Varric。
Inquisitor: 你们两个够了!
Varric: 我同意。赌你自己这边输从道德上来讲该被谴责
Dorian: (咕哝) 我是个坏人。 (对着Varric) 我们之后再谈。
Dorian: Varric,我想要一个新的昵称。
Varric: 小闪光怎么了?对你来说还不够多彩的?
Dorian: 你现在一定更了解我了。或者说你在我们相遇后五分钟给我起的单片眼镜还能用吗?
Varric: 我拥有说故事的人的双眼。这是一项天赋。
Dorian: 那么,我就有点像是你插在窗台上用来给路人留下印象的光?只有光芒,没有热度?恩……这还挺巧妙的。
Varric: 明白了?接受你在宇宙中起到的作用吧,小闪光。
Dorian: 对Hawke的事我很抱歉,Varric。
Varric: 是啊,恩……你又能做什么呢。
Dorian: 他有家人或是……
Varric: 我得去写信了。我们还是别谈这个了。
Varric: 对那个赌感觉如何了,小闪光?
Dorian: 事实上还挺好的。
Varric: 你疯了!我们每一次都打败了Corypheus扭转局势。他在逃窜!
Dorian: 我们打败了他的手下,我毛茸茸的小伙伴。不是一回事。而且,真到了我们把Corypheus 打得灰飞烟灭的那一刻,我会很高兴付我输了的钱的。
Varric: 嘿,如果他把我们嚼了,你就死了。
Dorian: 对,会比较难花掉我赢来的钱。
Varric: 你本该被嫁出去了是吗,小闪光?现在小法师在这儿横冲直撞的。
Dorian: 如果按照我家人的想法,是的。
Varric: 已经为你准备好对象了,恩?
Dorian: Livia Herathinos。聪明的女孩,沙漏型的身材,能说会道的嘴巴。我猜,她在我走后松了一口气。
Varric: 听起来你们两会是快乐的一对。
Dorian: 哦对。在每场派对上用含蓄的词辱骂对方会是快活的。
Varric: 你怎么说,小闪光。十个帝国币赌下一个我们冲向的家伙会喷火。
Dorian: 我接受这赌注,我不管怎么样都会赢。
Dorian: 好吧,可别说我不付赌债。给你,五个帝国币。
Varric: 我试着警告你过了。
Dorian: 我根本不知道猪兔会有这么可怕的小脚。噩梦产物。
Dorian: 你知道,Varric,我曾去过Kirkwall一次。
Varric: 是吗?
Dorian: 有点破。
Varric: 是啊……
Varric: 准备还欠我的那十五克朗了吗,小闪光?
Dorian: 如果我不还呢?你这儿有小小的打手来夺走我的财产吗?
Varric: 没有,我不知道,我猜我总是可以给你家里寄封信的。
Dorian: 矮人使诈了!好吧,好吧,你赢了。这一次。
Varric: 我看到你在看Bianca,小闪光。管住自己的手。
Dorian: 是我就不会担心。她不是我的菜。
Varric: 呵。我还以为你是个有品位的男人。
Dorian: 对酒和文学,Varric。不是对这……装置,不管它是什么也好。
Varric: 装置!?别听他的,甜心。他们这些人是有理由被人诋毁的。
Dorian: 那么,Varric,你和Cassandra是不是……?
Varric: 什么?没有!你怎么会这么问?
Dorian: 真的?奇怪。
Cassandra: 我就在这里!
Varric: 只是因为两个人不喜欢对方,不代表他们要亲嘴,小闪光。
Dorian: 你的书里可不是这么说的。
Varric: 别把我和那个写Hard inHightown II 的人搞混了。我知道怎么拼写。
Varric: 那么,小闪光,你对审判庭这事有什么看法?
Dorian: 它很有趣。有一个大恶魔攻击我,这是有史以来第一次。
Varric: 二十帝国币赌你在一切结束之前还会见到更奇怪的东西。
Dorian: 我觉得我不该接受这赌约。
Varric: 我得问问,这些混账事在你看来是说得通的吗?
Dorian: 在我看来?你是指天上那个大洞?还是说那个不存在于教会的警世故事里的想要成为神的生物?
Varric: 随便哪个,我感觉自己够大方的。
Dorian: 问题在哪儿?某人现身,摧毁一个地方,宣称自己是王?一半历史都是这样的。
Varric: Corypheus是那个没人赶的可怕的酒鬼吗?
Dorian: 他在天花板上开了个大洞后还是没人赶,常见极了。
Dorian: 你欠我二十帝国币,Varric。我想你拿蜜枣脯还我。
Varric: 我还没打输那个赌。
Dorian: 你说我们会陷入屁股高的麻烦里,现在更像是膝盖高的麻烦。
Varric: 我没说是谁的屁股,不是吗?
Dorian: 矮人总是降低事情的标准。
Dorian: Varric,你在冬宫的时候,有遇到Celene的侍女吗?
Varric: 那几个互相补完对方的话的?我遇到了。
Dorian: 她们向我问起你了。一些私人的事。
Varric: 呃……有多私人?
Dorian: 一些关于你的胸毛的事,还是你最近是否……和别人有一腿。
Varric: 啊,吓人。
Dorian: 你写的那些书,Varric……到底有谁会去读?
Varric: 为什么这么问,任何有品位的,和渴望冒险的人。
Dorian: 那就是说有很多人?南方的平民竟会识字?
Varric: (叹气) 真是自以为了不起。
Dorian: 怎么了?我是离开了家乡,Varric,我不是变成了乡下人。
Dorian:我以为你会和Hawke一起去Weisshaupt, Varric。
Varric: 这里还有事儿要做,你不觉得吗?
Dorian: 你该感到庆幸。我曾去过Weisshaupt。那里不好,嶙峋的高山,又阴又冷,所有人都认真觉得自己不能撒尿……你不会喜欢的。
Varric: Hawke在那里。
Dorian: 她/他会是那一抹阳光,这是真的。
Dorian: Varric,我没听错吧。你之前遇到过Corypheus?
Varric: 我们没有喝茶吃饼干,小闪光。我在他醒来时出现在那儿。
Dorian: 那他说了什么?“你好,我是闯入黑暗之城的魔导师之一。很高兴遇到你!”
Varric: 更像是(清喉咙)“呜哇,我是只暗裔!Dumat!Dumat!”接着Hawke杀了他。
Dorian: 显然不太好。
Varric: 可不是吗。
Varric: 我听说你就像是你们家族里的黑绵羊,小闪光。
Dorian: 这话从何而来?我不是一只羊。我们家没有一个人可以被形容成是一只“羊”。
Varric: 我只是想说,你和我有……相似之处。
Dorian: 天啊,我真没想到。
Varric: 好吧,没这么相似。
Dorian: 回答这问题就好了,Varric。
Varric: 我妈没养出白痴来,小闪光,我不会回答它的。
Dorian: 你一定有看法的。而且你是个矮人!你的观点是公正的!
Varric: 我没可能会回答“哪个审判庭法师穿得最好看。”给我全奥扎玛的金子也不行。
Vivienne: 还有,答案很明显。
Varric: 你没加入魔导师协会?
Dorian: 我最后说一次:不是所有在塔文特帝国的人都是魔导师。
Varric: 但他们分发席位就像它们是糖果一样。
Dorian: 是的,但那些是撒了盐的甘草糖,不是好糖。
Dorian: 想在回Skyhold 的路上再玩一副牌吗,Varric?
Varric: 如果是按照你们疯狂的塔文特规则来的就不玩。
Dorian: 好了好了,没人因此而死。最近。
Dorian: Varric,你之前见过这些“红魔晶”,是吗?
Varric: 真希望我没见过。
Dorian: 你知道法师可以汲取它的能量吗?
Varric: 别试这个,小闪光。别好奇它是否有用。别去想它。
Varric: 离得远远的就好,并希望它们没有流到你那更蠢的家乡那儿。
Dorian and Varric Edit
Dorian: What's a deshyr from the Merchant's Guild doing in the middle of a battle against ancient evils?
Varric: I could ask the same thing of a pampered noble Tevinter.
Dorian: You can't call me pampered! Nobody peeled a grape for me in weeks!
Varric: Talk to Josephine. She can arrange something.
Dorian: So what's your estimation, Varric? Think we could win?
Varric: You aren't asking me to give odds on our beloved Inquisitor's success?
Dorian: What would that look like? Three to one? (Laughs.)
Varric: In his/her favor?
Dorian: After Corypheus pulled an archdemon out of his ass, are you joking?
Inquisitor: You would actually bet against me?
Dorian: Now now, if I weren't here, it'd be five to one at least.
Inquisitor: I'll take those odds.
Dorian: See, here is a chance to prove your confidence Varric.
Inquisitor: Enough, both of you!
Varric: I agree. So morally reprehensible to bet against your own side.
Dorian: (grunts.) I am a bad man. (aside to Varric) We'll talk later.
Dorian: Varric, I want a new nickname.
Varric: What's wrong with sparkler? Not colorful enough for you?
Dorian: You must know me better now. Or does the moniker you gave me five minutes after we met still apply?
Varric: I have the eyes of a story teller. It's a gift.
Dorian: So, I'm a bit of light you stick in a window sill to impress passersby? All flash, no heat? Hmm... that's actually pretty clever.
Varric: See? Embrace your place in the universe, Sparkler.
Dorian: I'm very sorry about Hawke, Varric.
Varric: Yeah, well... what can you do.
Dorian: Does he have any family, or...
Varric: I've had to write some letters. Let's not talk about it.
Varric: How are you feeling about that bet now, Sparkler?
Dorian: Still good actually.
Varric: You're crazy! We're beating Corypheus everytime we turn around. He's on the run!
Dorian: We're beating his minions, my hirsute little friend. Not the same thing. Besides, the moment we beat Corypheus into the sand, I'll be more than happy to pay up.
Varric: Heh, if he crunches us, you'll be dead.
Dorian: That will make it hard to spend my winnings, true.
Varric: Should you be married off right now, Sparkler? Little magelets running amok.
Dorian: If my family had their way.
Varric: Had someone lined up for you, huh?
Dorian: Livia Herathinos. Bright girl, hourglass figure, wicked tongue. Relieved I'm gone, I expect.
Varric: Sounds like you two would have made a happy couple.
Dorian: Oh yes. Trading coy insults at every party would have been a delight.
Varric: What do you think, Sparkler. Ten royals says the next thing we run into farts fire.
Dorian: I'll take that bet. I win either way.
Dorian: Alright, never let it be said I don't pay my debts. Here you are, five royals.
Varric: I tried to warn you.
Dorian: I had no idea nugs possess such creepy little feet. Stuff of nightmares.
Dorian: You know, Varric, I went to Kirkwall once.
Varric: Yeah?
Dorian: Bit of a shithole.
Varric: Yeah...
Varric: Planning on settling that fifteen crowns debt anytime soon, Sparkler?
Dorian: And if I don't? Do you have tiny enforcers come strip me of my holdings?
Varric: No, I don't know, I suppose I could always send a letter to your family.
Dorian: The dwarf plays dirty! Alright, alright, you win. This time.
Varric: I see you eyeing Bianca, Sparkler. Hands to yourself.
Dorian: I would't worry, she's not my type.
Varric: Huh. And here I thought you're a man of refined taste.
Dorian: For fine wine and literature, Varric. Not for... whatever that contraption is.
Varric: Contraption!? Don't listen to him, sweetheart. His people are vilified for a reason.
Dorian: So Varric, are you and Cassandra... ?
Varric: What? No! Why would you even ask that?
Dorian: Truly? Bizarre.
Cassandra: I'm right here!
Varric: Just because two people dislike each other doesn't mean they're about to kiss, Sparkler.
Dorian: Not according to your books.
Varric: Don't mistake me for that hack who wrote Hard in Hightown II. I can spell.
Varric: So, Sparkler, what do you think of the Inquisition so far?
Dorian: It's certainly interesting. An archdemon attacking me, that's a first.
Varric: Twenty royals says you'll see something weirder before the day's out.
Dorian: I don't think I should take that bet.
Varric: I got to ask, does any of this shit make sense to you?
Dorian: To me? Are you referring to the giant hole in the sky? Or the creature out of chantry cautionary tale who wants to be a god?
Varric: Either, I'm feeling generous.
Dorian: What's the problem? Someone shows up, tears the place apart, declares himself a king? That's half of history.
Varric: Corypheus is that terrifying drunk nobody'll ask to leave?
Dorian: Even after he puts a hole in the ceiling. Terribly common.
Dorian: You owe me twenty royals, Varric. I'd like them paid in candied dates.
Varric: I haven't lost that wager yet.
Dorian: You said we'd be ass-deep in trouble. This is more like knee-high.
Varric: I didn't specify who's ass, did I?
Dorian: Leave it to a dwarf, always lowering the bar.
Dorian: Varric, when you were at the Winter Palace, did you meet Celene's handmaidens?
Varric: The ones that finish each other's sentences? Yes I did.
Dorian: They were asking me about you. Personal things.
Varric: Err... how personal?
Dorian: Something about your chest hair, and whether you were currently... involved with anyone.
Varric: Huh, creepy.
Dorian: So these books you write, Varric... who actually reads them?
Varric: Why, anyone with some taste and a lust for adventure.
Dorian: That's a lot of people? Do the southern masses even know how to read?
Varric: (sighs.) Such an elitist.
Dorian: Yes? I left my homeland, Varric, I didn't up and turn peasant.
Dorian: I'd assumed you'd go up to Weisshaupt with Hawke, Varric.
Varric: Still business to deal with here, don't you think?
Dorian: You should be thankful. I've been to Weisshaupt. It's not good. Carved into a mountain, cold, dour, everyone so bloody serious they can't take a piss... you wouldn't like it.
Varric: Hawke would be there.
Dorian: And s/he is quite the ray of sunshine, that's true.
Dorian: Varric, did I hear this right? You met Corypheus before?
Varric: We didn't have tea and crumpets, Sparkler. I was there when he woke up.
Dorian: And he said, what? "Hello, I'm one of the magisters who broke into the Black City. Pleased to meet you!"
Varric: More like (clear throats) "Argh, I'm a darkspawn! Dumat! Dumat!" Then Hawke killed him.
Dorian: Not very well, it appears.
Varric: Tell me about it.
Varric: So I hear you're kind of the black sheep in your family, Sparkler.
Dorian: Where does that saying come from? I'm not a sheep. No one in my family could be described a "sheep".
Varric: I'm just saying, you and I have... something in common.
Dorian: Goodness, I had no idea.
Varric: Okay, not that much in common.
Dorian: Come on just answer the question, Varric
Varric: My mother didn't raise any morons, Sparkler, I won't touch that one.
Dorian: You must have an opinion. And you're a dwarf! Completely unbiased!
Varric: There's no way I'm answering "which inquisition mage is the best-dressed." Not for all the gold in Orzammar.
Vivienne: Also, the answer is obvious.
Varric: So you're not in the magisterium?
Dorian: For the last time: Not everyone in the Imperium is a magister.
Varric: But they do pretty much hand out seats like they're candy.
Dorian: Yes, but it's that black licorice candy with salt on it, not the good kind.
Dorian: Care to play another game of cards when we get ack to Skyhold, Varric?
Varric: Not if it's with your crazy Tevinter rules.
Dorian: Now, now, nobody ever died from those. Lately.
Dorian: Varric, you've seen this "red lyrium" before, yes?
Varric: Wish I hadn't.
Dorian: Do you know if a mage could access its power?
Varric: Don't go there, Sparkler. Don't wonder if it's useful. Don't even think about it.
Varric: Just stay far away, and hope none of it gets to your stupider back home.