Dorian and Iron Bull
Dorian: 我们有个Ben-Hassrath了?一个间谍。一个真正的奎因间谍。
Dorian: 这点没有让任何人觉得是件坏事吗?
Iron Bull: 这话来自于一个vint,他在我们和vint战斗时这么说。(注:vint似乎是Iron Bull对塔文特人的特有称呼。)
Dorian: 这点……说得不错。好吧。
Dorian: 我希望你不要为和一个“vint”一起行进而感到烦扰,IronBull。
Iron Bull: 你是吗?你们这些人在我看来都一个样。
Dorian: 我还是个法师。你会更希望我被绑起来吗?
Iron Bull: 我会先请你吃顿晚饭。
Dorian: 希望那是在你把我的嘴缝起来之前的事。
Iron Bull: 这取决于你叫的有多惨。
Iron Bull: 必须磨碎你的骨头·长者是某个疯狂的Vint混蛋,恩?
Dorian: 发现我们只该看这些古老传说的表面含义并没有让我激动。
Iron Bull: 我猜他会觉得现代的帝国真是一个退步。
Dorian: 他为什么不会?塔文特帝国曾统治着整个Thedas,只有它的荣耀能与它的堕落相抗衡。
Dorian: 就像是Koslun 现身然后发现奎因人没有征服世界一样。
Iron Bull: 恩,是的,这几个世纪以来传教士都试着解释这一点。
Iron Bull: 你刚刚魔法使得不错,Dorian。你非常擅长把人炸飞。
Dorian: 用锐利的金属对付他们显然更让人影响深刻。
Iron Bull: 嘿,哇哦,我们还是别说远了。
Iron Bull: Dorian,你去过Minrathous,对吗?
Dorian: 当然。我不是个平民。
Iron Bull: 你有去过在Vivazzi广场的那地方吗?那个屋顶上挂着一个有裂缝的大钟的地方?
Dorian: 还有舞者在那里,是的。你让我想家了。
Dorian: 你杀过很多我国家的人,我猜?
Iron Bull: 当然,通常是在有人付钱给我让我这么做的时候。
Dorian: 什么?没有单纯为了乐趣这么做过?
Iron Bull: 我在这里,不是吗?男人得在找得到乐子的地方享乐。
Iron Bull: 那法杖状态真好,Dorian。
Iron Bull: 你花很多时间保养它吗?
Dorian: (呻吟)
Iron Bull: 最好把你的裙子提起来点,法师男孩。
Dorian: 我没有穿裙子。
Iron Bull: 你要是在忙乱的时候被它绊倒可别来找我哭。
Dorian: 没有哪个奎因人会这么容易接受一个塔文特法师的……除非这是一个诡计。我什么时候该提防向我后背捅来的刀子?
Iron Bull: 你有用过你那美妙的魔法来烧毁满是孩子的宿舍吗?
Dorian: 呃……今天没有。
Iron Bull: (大笑) 是我就不会担心。许多人得先被捅刀子。
Dorian: 注意点你那玩意儿对着的方向!
Iron Bull: 下流。
Dorian: Vishante kaffas! 我是说你的武器!
Iron Bull: 我想我知道你的问题是什么了,Dorian。
Dorian: 我只有一个问题?
Iron Bull: 你看到有个男人精疲力竭,离开他的族人,抛弃过去的生活……为了什么?
Dorian: 你不是在暗示我们两相似吧。
Iron Bull: 你从这镜子看到了什么?漂亮的景象,对吗?
Dorian: 我可能要吐了。
Iron Bull: 等等,我会把这说辞为你改变一点的。放轻松。
Dorian: 奎因传教士是怎么向你的族人们诉说输掉那场战争的。
Iron Bull: 呃。就通常那套说辞。水来了又走,但最终潮汐会磨平高山的。巴拉巴拉。
Dorian: 他们和塔文特斗争了几个世纪但还是没有赢。
Iron Bull: 等等,你以为我们总是在打仗?
Dorian: 它勉强算得上是一场让人含泪的扇耳光战,我同意你,但有时它会变得激烈。
Iron Bull: (轻笑) 只是习惯的力量。真正的入侵还是有区别的。
Dorian: 他们在等什么?
Iron Bull: 不知道。某人去告诉某人去告诉某人战争又开始了,我猜。
Dorian: 那么,他们是“Chargers”你是“Bull”。还挺巧妙的。(注,不太确定这里是什么梗)
Iron Bull: 你自己琢磨出来的,是吗?
Iron Bull: 你得让名字简单,贵族们才能明白。他们花钱是让我们战斗的,不是请我们在喝茶时表演的。
Dorian: 这个我倒是想要看看。
Dorian: 你似乎在冬宫里自在极了,Bull.
Iron Bull: 我尽力了。
Dorian: 你一个无价的雕像都没有撞倒,也一次都没有在甜点桌附近放屁。
Iron Bull: 你知道的。
Dorian: 我为你没有花时间在塔文特宫廷呆过感到惊讶。他们会喜欢你的。
Iron Bull: 我去过。过了一会儿鞍具就变得太重了。
Dorian: Vishante kaffas! 你就没洗过澡吗?
Iron Bull: 有时候洗。你想要看,不是吗?
Dorian: 我宁愿站在上风口。
Iron Bull: 人类的汗闻起来像是被阳光曝晒的猪肉。我就随口这么一提。
Dorian: 我一直不明白为什么奎因战士花一半的时间裸着胸膛跑在外面。
Iron Bull: 你看到一个全副武装的Beresaad,你就得逃,因为战争开始了。
Dorian: 他们该一直穿着铠甲!
Iron Bull: 那他们就会侵略所有人。你好嗜血啊。
Dorian: (低声咆哮)
Iron Bull: 你还好吗,Dorian?我知道家里的事可以变得很艰难。
Dorian: 你怎么知道?真正的奎因人没有家人。
Iron Bull: 发现和抚养你长大的人合不来?
Iron Bull: 不得不背井离乡,明白自己让那些爱你的人失望了?
Iron Bull: 我也许略知一二。坚强的人才能做到。所以,为你感到高兴,你这纨绔子弟。
Dorian: 是啊,我也感到高兴。
Dorian: 为什么这里总是这么冷?你们这些南方人是怎么忍受的?
Iron Bull: 怎么了?没有足够的奴隶来按摩你的脚吗?
Dorian: 我的脚冻坏了,谢谢。
Iron Bull: 你眼神有够下流的,Dorian。
Dorian: 你站在这儿,活动你的肌肉,喘得像头除了征服没有其它念头的驮兽。
Iron Bull: 没错。这双肌肉发达的手会在你无助地在我手下挣扎时把你的袍子撕开。
Iron Bull: 我会把你按在身下,在你抓住我的角的时候,我、会、征、服、你。
Dorian: 呃,什么?
Iron Bull: 哦。这不是我们的未来吗?
Dorian: 不是,不太可能是。
Iron Bull: 那么,Dorian,关于昨晚……
Dorian: (叹气) 你就是不会说话谨慎点,是吗?
Iron Bull: 三次!还有,你那些丝绸内衣裤,你想拿回去,还是说你想把它们留下当做纪念?还是……等等,你是故意把它们“忘”在那里,好有借口下次回来拿吗?你这狡猾的狗!
Dorian: 如果你选择像个野蛮人似的不关门的话,我可能,又或者不可能过来。
Iron Bull: 随你怎么说。
Dorian and Iron Bull Edit
Dorian: We have a Ben-Hassrath with us? A spy. An actual Qunari spy.
Dorian: That doesn't strike anyone as a bad thing?
Iron Bull: Says the Vint. When we're fighting Vints.
Dorian: That's... not a terrible point. Okay.
Dorian: I hope it doesn't bother you to travel alongside a "Vint," Iron Bull.
Iron Bull: That what you are? You people all kind of look the same to me.
Dorian: I'm also a mage. Would you prefer me bound and leashed?
Iron Bull: I'd buy you dinner first.
Dorian: Hopefully before you sewed my mouth shut.
Iron Bull: Depends how much you keep yapping.
Iron Bull: Must grind your gristle the "Elder One" is some crazy Vint asshole, huh?
Dorian: I'm not thrilled to discover we should take those old legends at face value.
Iron Bull: Guess he thinks the modern Imperium is a real letdown, too.
Dorian: Why wouldn't he? Tevinter once covered all Thedas, its glory only matched by its depravity.
Dorian: It'd be like Koslun showing up and learning the Qunari didn't conquer the world after all.
Iron Bull: Hmm, yes. Priesthood's been trying to explain that one for centuries.
Iron Bull: Nice work with the magic back there, Dorian. You're pretty good at blowing guys up.
Dorian: It's significantly more impressive than hitting them with a sharp piece of metal.
Iron Bull: Hey, whoa, let's not get crazy.
Iron Bull: Dorian, you've been to Minrathous, right?
Dorian: Of course. I'm not a plebian.
Iron Bull: You ever been to that place in the Vivazzi Plaza? With the big, cracked bell hanging off the roof?
Dorian: With the dancers, yes. You're making me homesick.
Dorian: You've killed lots of my countrymen, I take it?
Iron Bull: Sure, usually when I'm being paid for it.
Dorian: What? Never just for fun?
Iron Bull: I'm here, aren't I? Man's gotta take his fun where he can get it.
Iron Bull: That staff's in pretty good shape, Dorian.
Iron Bull: Do you spend a lot of time polishing it?
Dorian: (Groans.)———————
Iron Bull: Better hike up your skirt, mage boy.
Dorian: I'm not wearing a skirt.
Iron Bull: You trip on that bustling whatever, don't come crying to me.
Dorian: No Qunari would accept a Tevinter mage so easily... unless it was a ruse. When should I expect a knife in the back?
Iron Bull: You ever use that fancy magic of yours to burn down a dormitory full of kids?
Dorian: Err... not today.
Iron Bull: (Laughs.) Then I wouldn't worry. Lots of other people need a knife in the back first.
Dorian: Watch where you're pointing that thing!
Iron Bull: Dirty.
Dorian: Vishante kaffas! I meant your weapon!
Iron Bull: Think I know what your problem is, Dorian.
Dorian: I have only the one?
Iron Bull: You see a man who's burned out, who left his people and entire life behind... and for what?
Dorian: You're not suggesting we're similar.
Iron Bull: How's that mirror treating you? Pretty picture, isn't it?
Dorian: I may vomit.
Iron Bull: Wait, wait, I'll flex a little for you. Make it easier.
Dorian: What does the Qunari priesthood tell your people about losing the war?
Iron Bull: Ehn. The usual. Water comes, water goes, but eventually the tides wear away the mountain. Blah, blah, blah.
Dorian: They've been fighting Tevinter for centuries and still haven't won.
Iron Bull: Wait, you think we've been at war all this time?
Dorian: It's barely an eye-watering slap fight, I'll grant you, but every now and again it heats up.
Iron Bull: (Chuckles.) That's just force of habit. A real invasion's different.
Dorian: What are they waiting for?
Iron Bull: Don't know. Someone to tell someone to tell someone it's on again, I guess.
Dorian: So they're the Chargers and you're the Bull. That's clever.
Iron Bull: Worked that out on your own, did ya?
Iron Bull: You gotta keep the name simple, so the nobles get it. They pay us to fight, not to entertain at tea.
Dorian: That I'd like to see.
Dorian: You seemed remarkably comfortable at the Winter Palace, Bull.
Iron Bull: I do my best.
Dorian: You didn't knock over a single priceless statue, or fart even once near the dessert table.
Iron Bull: That you know of.
Dorian: I'm surprised you never spent time in the Tevinter courts. They would adore you.
Iron Bull: I did. After awhile, the saddle just got too heavy.
Dorian: Vishante kaffas! Don't you ever bathe?
Iron Bull: Sometimes. You want to watch, don't you?
Dorian: I'd rather stand upwind.
Iron Bull: Human sweat smells like pork that's been sitting in the sun. Just saying.
Dorian: I will never understand why Qunari warriors spend half their time running around bare-chested.
Iron Bull: You see a member of the Beresaad in full armor, you run, because it's war.
Dorian: They should wear armor all the time!
Iron Bull: Then they'd have to invade everyone. You're so bloodthirsty.
Dorian: (Growls.)
Iron Bull: You doing all right, Dorian? I know family stuff can be rough.
Dorian: What would you know about it? True Qunari don't have families.
Iron Bull: Finding out you don't fit in with the people who raised you?
Iron Bull: Having to walk away from everything you grew up with, knowing you've disappointed the ones who loved you?
Iron Bull: I might know a bit. Takes a tough man to do it, too. So good on you, you big old fop.
Dorian: Yay. Good on me.———————
Dorian: Why is it always so cold? How do you southerners stand it?
Iron Bull: What's the matter? Not enough slaves around to rub your footsies?
Dorian: My footsies are freezing, thank you.
(If neither is in a romance with the Inquisitor)
Iron Bull: Quite the stink-eye you've got going, Dorian.
Dorian: You stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.
Iron Bull: That's right. These big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip.
Iron Bull: I'd pin you down, and as you gripped my horns; I. Would. Conquer. You.
Dorian: Uh. What?
Iron Bull: Oh. Is that not where we're going?
Dorian: No. It was very much not.
(If neither is in a romance with the Inquisitor)
Iron Bull: So, Dorian, about last night...
Dorian: (Sighs) Discretion isn't your thing, is it?
Iron Bull: Three times! Also, your silky underthings, do you want them back, or did you leave those like a token? Or...wait, did you "forget" them so you'd have an excuse to come back? You sly dog!
Dorian: If you choose to leave your door unlocked like a savage, I may or may not come.
Iron Bull: Speak for yourself.