

2015-01-12 09:41:29 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...

Dorian and Solas

  Dorian: Solas,我了解到你研究灵体?

  Solas: 没错。

  Dorian: 在我家乡那儿,我们让灵体成为仆役。

  Solas: 我听说过。

  Dorian: 它们能变成的样子奇妙极了,你该看看的。

  Solas: 塔文特帝国对于一个精灵来说不是最安全的地方。

  Dorian: 啊,对。我明白。


  Dorian: 你把灵体当作仆役来使用吗,Solas?你完全可以抓到它们。

  Solas: 没有。它们是活生生的智慧生物。违背它们的意愿对他们施展缚灵是该被谴责的。

  Dorian: 它们能有多少“意愿”?它们是灵界没有形态的产物。

  Solas: 恩……

  Dorian: 建设性地使用它们又没害处,我家乡那儿大部分法师都对它们很好。

  Solas: 而且任何显示出拥有魔法天赋的就会被释放,是吗?

  Dorian: 什么?灵体没有魔法天赋。

  Solas: 哦抱歉,我以为你在说你们的奴隶。


  Dorian: Solas,你有时让你的法杖发出的那小闪光……你是在把外界的能量收为己用吗?

  Solas: 是的。这么做会清除魔法能量并造出一个不那么稳固的随机屏障来削弱进来的魔法。

  Dorian: 妙极了。这是塔文特手法。我没见过这世上其他地方的人这么做过。

  Solas: 这手法不属于塔文特,它是精灵技法。

  Dorian: 噢!这就意味着我们……还是别说了。

  Solas: 但还是可以继续说说塔文特魔法奇观的。


  Solas: 我很惊讶你竟没有练血魔法,Dorian。塔文特不是流行这个吗?

  Dorian: 那我们是一样惊讶的,你在月光下全裸起舞的次数也比我预料的要少。

  Solas: 塔文特人对精灵的了解还是这么精准。

  Dorian: 我想要看你用歌声让鲜花盛开的景象,一次也好。


  Dorian: Solas,你这一身行头是怎么回事?

  Solas: 抱歉?

  Dorian: 不对,该抱歉的是你的衣服。你是什么?某种林居者吗?

  Dorian: 这是某种Dalish 文化吗?你不是不喜欢Dalish吗?还是说这是某种宣言?

  Solas: 不是。

  Dorian: 好吧,它对我说“流浪叛教法师”来着。


  Vivienne: 更确切地说,是“不洗澡的流浪叛教法师”。


  Dorian: Solas,不管怎么样,我很抱歉。

  Dorian: 精灵城Arlathan 听起来像是个有魔力的地方,我的祖先们摧毁了它……

  Solas: Dorian……别说了。

  Solas: 帝国崛起又衰落。Arlathan 在它的兴盛期也没比你的塔文特“无辜”多少。

  Solas: 你对古代精灵的怀旧之情,不管它有多浪漫,都是没有意义的。

  Solas: 如果你真的想弥补你们以前犯下的罪过,那就去释放现今住在塔文特的全种族的奴隶。

  Dorian: 我……不知道我能做到这一点。

  Solas: 那你又有多抱歉?


  Solas: 我注意到你在某次攻击时附上了无效化的附魔。

  Dorian: 这个无效化附魔可以瓦解任何在附近游荡的外界魔法因子。接下来东西就会烧得更旺。

  Solas: 你这样不会浪费过多魔法来盖过你自己带来的无效化效应吗?

  Dorian: 啊,不会。我稍稍扭曲了幽幕来使得法术之间产生距离。

  Solas: 当然。你考虑过突然停止这幽幕扭曲化来增强相关能量吗?

  Dorian: 像是甩鞭子?是的,我试过一次。那让我的牙齿尝起来怪怪的。


  Sera: 你们两的对话一点也不正常!


  Dorian: 我不敢相信你到了灵界里。肉体进了灵界。

  Solas: 你觉得这是值得骄傲的一项成就吗?

  Dorian: 这是历史上第二次有人做到这一点。它并不渺小,Solas。

  Solas: 在人类历史上。

  Dorian: 对,灵界对于我们人类来说还是一个谜。也许会一直是一个谜。

  Solas: 也许这一点最好维持这个样子。


  Dorian: 让我搞搞清楚,Solas。

  Dorian: 你是一个叛教法师——不是Dalish 精灵也不是城市精灵——你独自住在森林里研究灵体。

  Solas: 你有意见吗?

  Dorian: 没有,没有。你是一片特别又独特的雪花。活在梦想里吧。


  Solas: 你的魔法技艺令人影响深刻,Dorian。

  Dorian: 你不是第一个这么说的。

  Solas: 但你为什么不用一个没那么……闪……的方式施法来节约一点魔法呢?

  Dorian: 没错,如果我只吃白饭和蔬菜,我会活得更久,但这事就是不可能发生。


  Dorian: 啊, Solas。你吓到我了。你总是那么……不起眼。

  Solas: 拜托大声点!我听不见你说什么,都被你的衣服挡到了!


  Dorian: Corypheus 带着的那个球……你确定它起源于精灵吗,Solas?

  Solas: 我相信是这样的,为什么要这么问?

  Dorian: 魔导师协会的档案里有一些画,画着手持相似球体的男人们。

  Dorian: 早在魔导师之前就有记载。也许出于古代造梦者之手。


  Solas: 也许是的。古代人类从精灵那里拿走了不少东西。

  Dorian: Corypheus才刚穿越时空不久。恩……

Dorian and Solas Edit

  Dorian: Solas, I take it you study spirits?

  Solas: I do.

  Dorian: Back in my homeland, we keep spirits as servants.

  Solas: So I've been told.

  Dorian: The things they can be made to be are quite marvelous, you should see them.

  Solas: The Tevinter Imperium is not the safest place for an elf.

  Dorian: Ah, yes. Point taken.


  Dorian: Do you use spirits as servants, Solas? You'd have no trouble capturing them.

  Solas: No. They are intelligent, living creatures. Binding them against their will is reprehensible.

  Dorian: How much "will" do they have? They're amorphous constructs of the Fade.

  Solas: Hmm

  Dorian: There's no harm putting them to constructive use, and most mages back home treat them well.

  Solas: And any that show any magical talent are freed, are they not?

  Dorian: What? Spirits don't have magical talent.

  Solas: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about your slaves.


  Dorian: Solas, that little flare you sometimes do with your staff... You're redirecting ambient energy to your personal aura?

  Solas: Yes. The effect clears magical energy and creates a minor randomized barrier to impair incoming magic.

  Dorian: Fascinating. It's a Tevinter technique. I've never seen anyone in this part of the world do it.

  Solas: The technique is not Tevinter. It is elven.

  Dorian: Oh! That means we... never mind, then.

  Solas: But do go on about the wonders of Tevinter magic.


  Solas: I am surprised you do not practice blood magic, Dorian. Is it not popular in Tevinter?

  Dorian: While we're sharing surprises, you've done a lot less dancing naked in the moonlight than expected.

  Solas: Tevinter lore about elves remains accurate as always.

  Dorian: I wanted to see you make flowers bloom with your song, just once.


  Dorian: Solas, what's this whole look of yours about?

  Solas: I'm sorry?

  Dorian: No, that outfit is sorry. What are you supposed to be? Some kind of woodsman?

  Dorian: Is this a Dalish thing? Don't you dislike the Dalish? Or is it some kind of statement?

  Solas: No.

  Dorian: Well, it says "apostate hobo" to me.

  (If Vivienne is in the party)

  Vivienne: "Unwashed apostate hobo", more specifically.


  Dorian: Solas, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.

  Dorian: The elven city of Arlathan sounds like a magical place, and for my ancestors to have destroyed it...

  Solas: Dorian... hush.

  Solas: Empires rise and fall. Arlathan was no more "innocent" than your own Tevinter in its time.

  Solas: Your nostalgia for the ancient elves, however romanticized, is pointless.

  Solas: If you wish to make amends for past transgressions, free the slaves of all races who live in Tevinter today.

  Dorian: I... don't know that I can do that.

  Solas: Then how sorry are you?


  Solas: I notice you used a nullification enchantment combined with an offensive attack.

  Dorian: The nullification disrupts any ambient magic lying about. Things then burn hotter.

  Solas: Don't you then waste an inordinate amount of magic overcoming your own nullification?

  Dorian: Ah, no. I warp the Veil slightly to effect distance between the spells.

  Solas: Of course. Have you considering snapping the Veil-warp to enhance the relative energy?

  Dorian: Like cracking a whip? Yes, tried it once. Made my teeth taste funny.

  (If Sera is in the party)

  Sera: Two of you doesn't make this normal!


  Dorian: I can't believe you entered the Fade. Physically.

  Solas: You think that is an achievement of which to be proud?

  Dorian: It's the second time that's been done in all of history. That's not nothing, Solas.

  Solas: In all of human history.

  Dorian: The Fade is still a mystery to us humans, yes. Probably always will be.

  Solas: Perhaps it's best it remain that way.


  Dorian: Let me get this straight, Solas.

  Dorian: You're an apostate - neither Dalish nor city elf - who lived alone in the woods studying spirits.

  Solas: Is that a problem for you?

  Dorian: No, no. You're a special and unique snowflake. Live the dream.


  Solas: Your magical skill is impressive, Dorian.

  Dorian: You're not the first to say so.

  Solas: Would you not conserve magical energy with a less... flashy... style, however?

  Dorian: Yes, and I'd live longer if I only ate rice and boiled vegetables, but that's just as unlikely.


  Dorian: Ah, Solas. You startled me. You're always so... nondescript.

  Solas: Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit!———————

  Dorian:That orb Corypheus carries... are you certain it's of elven origin, Solas?

  Solas:I believe so. Why do you ask?

  Dorian:There are paintings in the Magisterium's archives of men holding similar orbs.

  Dorian:They were depictions of a time long before the magisters. The ancient Dreamers, perhaps.

  Dorian:The texts called those orbs "somnaborium"--"vessels of dreams." Could they be the same thing?

  Solas:Perhaps. The humans of ancient times took much from the elves.

  Dorian:And Corypheus isn't far removed from the time. Hmm.


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龙腾世纪:审判Dragon Age: Inquisition
发行公司:Electronic Arts
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