virgin除了我们都知道的邪恶意思以外,还能形容"头一次做某事"的人。。 橄榄油的处理方式也能用virgin来形容,为此查了下资料
Extra-virgin olive oil is an unrefined oil and the highest-quality olive oil you can buy. There are very specific standards oil has to meet to receive the label "extra-virgin." Because of the way extra-virgin olive oil is made, it retains more true olive taste, and has a lower level of oleic acid than other olive oil varieties. It also contains more of the natural vitamins and minerals found in olives.
用一个as virgin as olive oil , 首先点出里恩是烹饪新手,其次完全符合烹饪社长的身份,再次暗含其烹饪造诣高超,就问你服不服??= =
连工友都有小剧场,“打破玻璃要告诉我,不会太为难你的哦”。里恩“好,如果我开始危害校园玻璃,我会第一个告诉你” 。
这个梗没看懂, 他名字叫hibelle, 和ring a bell(意思听起来像) 之间如果是谐音的话, 那听起来像谁呢? 难道是学生会会长? (towa "herschel" 和 "hibelle" ? )
贝琪 有苏格兰口音:
dae = do, tae = to, wae = with
最后那张,wee = little , bam = idiot, fae = from (都是苏格兰/爱尔兰语词汇)
well, this wee bam's fae there! => well, this little idiot's from there ! (那哥们好惨。。)
为啥要给贝琪苏格兰色彩? 谷歌了下苏格兰人典型性格:
1. 抠门,不舍得花钱(英国越往北越穷)。
2. 整天穿苏格兰特色裙子 (=,=)。
3. 人人都喝威士忌,酒量都很大 (记得好像之后有贝琪喝酒的描写吧)。
从以上来看,把有商人头脑喜欢斤斤计较钱的贝琪筒子处理成苏格兰口音,个人认为是相当传神的。。贝琪好像是celdic人? 来个轨迹学家分析下celdic 那边的人是什么样的,这个细节我是彻底服了。