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BlizzCast8《 暗黑破坏神3》专访

2009-08-05 12:07:16 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...


Bornakk: Alright, great. The next question is from David Nishball in Fairfield, Connecticut. Will buildings and towns be enterable, like Atmas Bar was from Diablo 2’s second act?
好的,不错!下一个问题来自Connecticut州Narefield的David Nishball:所有建筑以及城镇都是可以进入的吗,就像D2中第二幕的Atmas Bar(译注:Atma中文版一般译为亚特玛,鲁高因右下角那个酒吧,传送门上去一点点,pass ACT2的时候得走过去和Atma谈话)那样?

Jay Wilson: There probably will be some buildings, my guess is not too far off from how many were enterable in Diablo 2. Most towns we don’t make all the buildings enterable, it’s just a ton of art to create for very little reason. Most people tear through the towns at lightning speed, so they don’t have a desire to go into the individual buildings. But we do have some specialty buildings that I’m sure we’ll go inside of throughout the quest course of the game.

[ 06:19 ]

Bornakk: Okay. The next question is from James on USWest. Will there be a diverse Selection of items that are viable for the end-game or will it follow the WoW-type style where there is more like one end-all-be-all set for each class?

Jay Wilson: It’s definitely diverse and it’s diverse on a lot of different fronts. When you think about Diablo 2, all the different ways you can build your character, we really expanded all the ways you can customize your character by adding in the rune system. Not only can you completely customize your skill set, much more so than you can in game like most MMOs like World of Warcraft, because of that, the items you want are based upon the skill set that you’ve chosen or the type of build that you are trying to create.

And items, one of the things we are trying to do is focus on this even greater element of defining your build. So really its up to the player on what kind of stats they want on their character, but were definitely not shooting for a, "oh heres the barbarian armor", there is a set and when you get the full set youre done. Thats just not very Diablo and its not really the kind of gameplay were going for. If anything we’d like the item set to be a lot more diverse than it was in Diablo 2.

Bornakk: Always something to collect right?

Jay Wilson: Exactly, always a new build to try out.


Bornakk: Right, exactly. The last question we have today is from James Wichtowsky. Have you settled on a particular color scheme for item drops?
好好好,今天最后的问题来自James Wichtowsky:你们已经设定好掉落物品的颜色了么?

Jay Wilson: Weve kind of gone round and round on color scheme. I know with World of Warcraft when they decided on a color scheme to fit quality, they were taking that from Diablo 2 and other MMOs, but they chose a color set that they felt was easier to read. We actually tried to emulate that for awhile, I think actually our announcement build or maybe our BlizzCon build was actually using a color scheme very similar to World of Warcraft and we generally found we just didn’t like it, it didn’t feel Diablo. So something as simple as that didn’t feel Diablo anymore.


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