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Codex Entry 74: A brief description of the fraternities of enchanters

Another aspect of Circle life is the fraternity. When a mage becomes an enchanter, he may ally himself with a fraternity. These are cliques that cross Circle boundaries, mages of common interests and goals who band together to ensure that their voice is heard within the College of Magi in Cumberland. The largest fraternities currently are:
the Loyalists, who advocate loyalty and obedience to the Chantry.
the Aequitarians, who advocate temperance and follow a distinct code of conduct which they believe all mages should hold themselves to.
the Libertarians, a growing fraternity, publicly maintaining greater power for the Circles but secretly advocating a complete split from the Chantry--a dangerous opinion, naturally.
the Isolationists, a small group that advocates withdrawing to remote territories in order to avoid conflicts with the general populace.
the Lucrosians, who maintain that the Circle must do what is profitable first and foremost. They prioritize the accumulation of wealth, with the gaining of political influence a close second.
So far, an alliance between the Loyalists and Aequitarians has prevented the Libertarians from gaining much headway, but there are signs that the Aequitarians may throw their support in with the Libertarians. If that happens, many mages predict it will come to civil war among the Circles.
--From The Circle of the Magi: A History, by First Enchanter Josephus










Codex Entry 75: Meditations on the Circle

It is no simple matter, safeguarding ordinary men from mages, and mages from themselves. Each Circle tower must have some measure of self-government, for it is ever the Makers will that men be given the power to take responsibility for our own actions: To sin and fail, as well as to achieve the highest grace and glory on our own strength.
You, who will be tasked with the protection of the Circle, must be aware of its workings. The first enchanter is the heart of any tower. He will determine the course his Circle will take, he will choose which apprentices may be tested and made full mages, and you will work most closely with him.
Assisting the first enchanter will be the senior enchanters, a small council of the most trusted and experienced magi in the tower. From this group, the next first enchanter is always chosen. Beneath the council are the enchanters. These are the teachers and mentors of the tower, and you must get to know them in order to keep your finger on the pulse of the Circle, for the enchanters will always know what is happening among the children.
All those who have passed their Harrowing but have not taken apprentices are mages. This is where most trouble in a Circle lies, in the idleness and inexperience of youth. The untested apprentices are the most numerous denizens of any tower, but they more often pose threats to themselves, due to their lack of training, than to anyone else.
--Knight-Commander Serain of the Chantry templars, in a letter to his successor







Codex Entry 76: An account of the foundation of the Circle

It is a truth universally acknowledged that nothing is more successful at inspiring a person to mischief as being told not to do something. Unfortunately, the Chantry of the Divine Age had some trouble with obvious truths. Although it did not outlaw magic--quite the contrary, as the Chantry relied upon magic to kindle the eternal flame which burns in every brazier in every chantry--it relegated mages to lighting candles and lamps. Perhaps occasional dusting of rafters and eaves.
I will give my readers a moment to contemplate how well such a role satisfied the mages of the time.
It surprised absolutely no one when the mages of Val Royeaux, in protest, snuffed the sacred flames of the cathedral and barricaded themselves inside the choir loft. No one, that is, but Divine Ambrosia II, who was outraged and attempted to order an Exalted March upon her own cathedral. Even her most devout Templars discouraged that idea. For 21 days, the fires remained unlit while negotiations were conducted, legend tells us, by shouting back and forth from the loft.
The mages went cheerily into exile in a remote fortress outside of the capital, where they would be kept under the watchful eye of the Templars and a council of their own elder magi. Outside of normal society, and outside of the Chantry, the mages would form their own closed society, the Circle, separated for the first time in human history.
--From Of Fires, Circles, and Templars: A History of Magic in the Chantry, by Sister Petrine, Chantry scholar




Val Royeaux的法师开始进行罢工抗议的时候,没有人感到惊讶,他们扼杀了神圣的永恒之火,并把他们自己反锁在了大教堂唱诗班的小阁楼上。当时只有教皇Ambrosia二世一个人感到无比地愤怒,并差点要求对她自己的教堂发动一场圣战。但当时即使是她最忠诚的圣殿武士也不太认同这一主意。这一闹剧持续了整整21天,永恒之火在这期间一直是熄灭的,而这期间他们举行了正式的谈判,据传说,谈判方式就是通过在阁楼的内外大声地向对方嚷嚷。



Codex Entry 77: An explanation of the Fade and its relation to dreams

The study of the Fade is as old as humankind. For so long as men have dreamed, we have walked its twisting paths, sometimes catching a glimpse of the city at its heart. Always as close as our own thoughts, but impossibly separated from our world.

The Tevinter Imperium once spent vast fortunes of gold, lyrium, and human slaves in an effort to map the terrain of the Fade, an ultimately futile endeavor. Although portions of it belong to powerful spirits, all of the Fade is in constant flux. The Imperium succeeded in finding the disparate and ever-shifting realms of a dozen demon lords, as well as cataloging a few hundred types of spirits, before they were forced to abandon the project.

The relationship of dreamers to the Fade is complex. Even when entering the Fade through the use of lyrium, mortals are not able to control or affect it. The spirits who dwell there, however, can, and as the Chantry teaches us, the great flaw of the spirits is that they have neither imagination nor ambition. They create what they see through their sleeping visitors, building elaborate copies of our cities, people, and events, which, like the reflections in a mirror, ultimately lack context or life of their own. Even the most powerful demons merely plagiarize the worst thoughts and fears of mortals, and build their realms with no other ambition than to taste life.
--From Tranquility and the Role of the Fade in Human Culture, by First Enchanter Josephus



Tevinter帝国一度花费了巨量的黄金,lyrium物质,以及人类奴隶去测绘暗物质界的地图,然而这最终是一个毫无意义的尝试。虽然暗物质界的一部分属于强大的灵魂,而暗物质界确是一个不断变化的非实体世界。帝国在探索中成功地找到了许多名各不相同的,变幻莫测的恶魔领主,以及数以百计的灵魂, 直至他们最终无奈地放弃了这一计划。




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