Codex Entry 70: On the schism of the Imperial Chantry
There are those who would tell you that the Chantry is the same everywhere as it is here, that the Divine in Val Royeaux reigns supreme in the eyes of the Maker and that this fact is unquestioned throughout Thedas.
Do not believe it.
The Makers second commandment, "Magic must serve man, not rule over him," never held the same meaning within the ancient Tevinter Imperium as it did elsewhere. The Chantry there interpreted the rule as meaning that mages should never control the minds of other men, and that otherwise their magic should benefit the rulers of men as much as possible. When the clerics of Tevinter altered the Chant of Light to reflect this interpretation of the commandment, the Divine in Val Royeaux ordered the clerics to revert to the original Chant. They refused, claiming corruption within Val Royeaux, an argument that grew until, in 4:87 Towers, the Chantry in Tevinter elected its own "legitimate and uncorrupted" Divine Valhail--who was not only male, but also happened to be one of the most prominent members of the Tevinter Circle of the Magi. This "Black Divine" was reviled outside Tevinter, his existence an offense to the Chantry in Val Royeaux.
After four Exalted Marches to dislodge these "rebels," all that the Chantry in Val Royeaux accomplished was to cement the separation. While most aspects of the Imperial Chantrys teachings are the same, prohibitions against magic have been weakened, and male priests have become more prevalent. The Circle of the Magi today rules Tevinter directly, ever since the Archon Nomaran was elected in 7:34 Storm directly from the ranks of the enchanters, to great applause from the public. He dispensed with the old rules forbidding mages from taking part in politics, and within a century, the true rulers within the various imperial houses--the mages--took their places openly within the government. The Imperial Divine is now always drawn from the ranks of the first enchanters and operates as Divine and Grand Enchanter both.
This is utter heresy to any member of the Chantry outside of Tevinter, a return to the days of the magisters, which brought the Blights down upon us. But it exists, and even though we have left the Tevinter Imperium to the mercies of the dread qunari, still they have endured. Further confrontation between the Black Divine and our so-called "White Divine" is inevitable.
--From Edicts of the Black Divine, by Father David of Qarinus, 8:11 Blessed
会有一些人告诉你,任何地方的教会都和这里的一样,Val Royeaux教皇在造物主的眼中是更加至高的,且这在Thedas的大地上从未被怀疑过。
造物主的第二个戒条“魔法必须为人类服务,而不是控制人类”自古以来就在Tevinter帝国的内部有着和他处不同的解释。那里的教会解释为魔法师不应当控制其他人类的思想,然而却应尽可能地为统治者服务。当Tevinter的教会用这种方法曲解了戒条的时候,Val Royeaux教皇就要求牧师们回复原有的教义。然而他们拒绝了,并声称在Val Royeaux的内部产生了堕落,这个争吵一直持续到了4:87高塔纪元,Tevinter的教会选举出了他们自己的“合法且未堕落”神圣教皇-不但是个男人,而且还是Tevinter法师议会中地位最为显赫的一个人。这个“黑暗教皇”遭到了来自Tevinter之外的人的斥责,他的存在是对Val Royeaux教会的一种极大的冒犯。
在经历了四次要求驱逐这些“叛逆者”的圣战后,Val Royeaux教会最终达成的结果却仅仅是促成了分裂的格局。帝国教会教育中的大多数问题都是一样的,对魔法的禁用程度被削弱了,男性祭祀变成了流行的趋势。现如今,魔法师议会直接管理着Tevinter,这始自从执政官Nomaran在风暴纪元7:34被从附魔师的行列中选举出来后延持至今,受到了公众普遍的认同和赞扬。他取消了古老的禁止魔法师参与政治的规定,并且在将近一个世纪中,帝国中各院的领袖---魔法师---一直公开地在政府中从事职务。帝国的教皇现在总是从首席附魔师中选取,并同时担任大附魔师和教皇两个职务。
Codex Entry 71: On the political structure of the Chantry
The Divine is the titular head of the Chantry, although since the schism split the Imperial Chantry into its own faction there are now in fact two Divines at any one time. One Divine, informally called the White Divine, is a woman housed in the Grand Cathedral in Val Royeaux. The other, known as the Black Divine, is a man housed in the Argent Spire in Minrathous.
Neither Divine recognizes the existence of the other, and the informal names are considered sacrilegious. No matter the gender, a Divine is addressed as "Most Holy" or "Your Perfection."
Beneath the rank of Divine is the grand cleric. Each grand cleric presides over numerous chantries and represents the highest religious authority for their region. They travel to Val Royeaux when the College of Clerics convenes, but otherwise remain where they are assigned. All grand clerics are addressed as "Your Grace."
Beneath the grand cleric is the mother (or, in the Imperial Chantry, the father). If a mother is in charge of a particular chantry, "revered" is appended to her title. These are the priests responsible for administering to the spiritual well-being of their flock. A mother or revered mother is addressed as "Your Reverence."
Brothers and sisters form the rank and file of the Chantry and consist of three main groups: affirmed, initiates, and clerics. Affirmed are the lay-brethren of the Chantry, those regular folk who have turned to the Chantry for succor. Often they are people who have led a difficult or irreligious life and have chosen to go into seclusion, or even orphans and similar unfortunates who were raised into the Chantry life. The Affirmed take care of the Chantry and are in turn afforded a life of quiet contemplation, no questions asked.
Only those folk who take vows become initiates. These are men and women in training, whether in academic knowledge or the martial skills of a warrior. All initiates receive an academic education, although only those who seek to become templars learn how to fight in addition.
Clerics are the true academics of the Chantry, those men and women who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of knowledge. They are often found in Chantry archives, sages presiding over libraries of books and arcane knowledge. The most senior of these clerics, placed in charge of such archives, are given the title "elder," although such a rank is still beneath that of mother. All other brothers and sisters are addressed simply by noting their title before their name, such as "Brother Genitivi."
--From a guide for ambassadors from Rivain
教皇被认为是教会名义上的领袖,尽管自从帝国教会分裂出去并构成了他自己的势力后,现在实际上同时拥有两个名义上的教皇。一位教皇,通常被称之为“白色教皇”,是一名住在Val Royeaux大教堂中的女性。而另外一个,通常叫做“黑色教皇”,则是一个居住在Minrathous里面银色之塔上的男性。
在教皇之下的级别是大牧师。每一个大牧师统领着若干个教堂,并在他们所管辖的区域中被认为是至高无上的宗教权威。每当牧师大会召开的时候,他们则会前往Val Royeaux,而在其他情况下,他们则呆在他们所属的地区范围内,他们通常被称呼为“阁下”。
Codex Entry 72: A discussion of the Order of Templars
Often portrayed as stoic and grim, the Order of Templars was created as the martial arm of the Chantry. Armed with the ability to dispel and resist magic in addition to their formidable combat talents, the templars are uniquely qualified to act as both a foil for apostates--mages who refuse to submit to the authority of the Circle--and a first line of defense against the dark powers of blood mages and abominations.
While mages often resent the templars as symbols of the Chantrys control over magic, the people of Thedas see them as saviors and holy warriors, champions of all that is good, armed with piety enough to protect the world from the ravages of foul magic. In reality, the Chantrys militant arm looks first for skilled warriors with unshakable faith in the Maker, with a flawless moral center as a secondary concern. Templars must carry out their duty with an emotional distance, and the Order of Templars prefers soldiers with religious fervor and absolute loyalty over paragons of virtue who might question orders when it comes time to make difficult choices.
The templars power derives from the substance lyrium, a mineral believed to be the raw element of creation. While mages use lyrium in their arcane spells and rituals, templars ingest the primordial mineral to enhance their abilities to resist and dispel magic. Lyrium use is regulated by the Chantry, but some templars suffer from lyrium addiction, the effects of which include paranoia, obsession, and dementia. Templars knowingly submit themselves to this "treatment" in the service of the Order and the Maker.
It is this sense of ruthless piety that most frightens mages when they draw the templars attention: When the templars are sent to eliminate a possible blood mage, there is no reasoning with them, and if the templars are prepared, the mages magic is all but useless. Driven by their faith, the templars are one of the most feared and respected forces in Thedas.
--From Patterns Within Form, by Halden, First Enchanter of Starkhaven, 8:80 Blessed
Codex Entry 73: On the founding of the Chantry
Kordilius Drakon, king of the city-state of Orlais, was a man of uncommon ambition. In the year -15 Ancient, the young king began construction of a great temple dedicated to the Maker, and Declared that by its completion he would not only have united the warring city-states of the south, he would have brought Andrastian belief to the world.
In -3 Ancient, the temple was completed. There, in its heart, Drakon knelt before the eternal flame of Andraste and was crowned ruler of the Empire of Orlais. His first act as Emperor: To Declare the Chantry as the established Andrastian religion of the Empire.
It took three years and several hundred votes before Olessa of Montsimmard was elected to lead the new Chantry. Upon her coronation as Divine, she took the name Justinia, in honor of the disciple who recorded Andrastes songs. In that moment, the ancient era ended and the Divine Age began.
--From Ferelden: Folklore and History, by Sister Petrine, Chantry scholar.
Orlais城市联邦的国王Kordilius Drakon,是一个拥有着不寻常野心的男人。在-15远古之年,这个年轻的国王以造物主的名义开始建造一座宏伟的寺庙,并声称在建成之后,他不但可以统一南方连年争战的城市联邦,还可以将Adrastian的信仰带给世界。