《方舟:生存进化》畸变生物图文介绍 畸变生物有哪些?
刻律涅小耀角鹿(Microlumins cerynitis),意思是微小(Micro)的光芒(Lumina);而Cerynitis实际上是出自希腊神话故事中,阿尔忒弥斯拉车用座驾——刻律涅牝鹿,这是一种仅有五只,疾逾飞箭的神鹿,其中最后一只被大力神赫拉克勒斯杀死。
Most commonly found in the upper chambers of the caverns, Microluminis Cerynitis is at once elegant and adorable. As with its relatives, it is entirely peaceful, and no threat to survivors.
刻律涅小耀角鹿(Microluminis Cerynitis)第一眼感觉既优雅而可爱,它在洞穴的上部十分常见。像它的亲戚一样,小耀角鹿是对幸存者毫无威胁的完全和平主义者。
After closer study, by which I mean very scientific bouts of cuddling, I've found that it shares traits with both bovids and cervids. However in the soft glow of its charge light, Microluminis Cerynitis always gave me the impression that were it larger, it would be right at home pulling Artemis' chariot.