《方舟:生存进化》畸变生物图文介绍 畸变生物有哪些?
轩辕巨蟒(Serpens regulus),学名意思可以理解很多种,Serpens是巨蛇,Regulus是轩辕十四(或者狮子座α星)的意思,位于狮子座。之所以翻译成蟒是因为我觉得它是泰坦蟒的畸变种(但是奇怪的是它和泰坦蟒共存在畸变世界)。
顺带解释一下,方舟的泰坦蟒是方舟的独立种,学名Titanoboa exomantur,意思是长着华丽装饰的巨型蚺蛇,意指泰坦蟒脖子那一圈褶皱。
More than twice the size of wild Titanoboa Exomantur, Serpens Regulus is the largest and most lethal snake I've encountered. With a skull that's more draconic than serpentine, it possesses a powerful bite, made even deadlier by the potent venom dripping from its fangs.
轩辕帝蟒(Serpens regulus)是我见过的最大,最致命的蛇类,甚至比饰纹泰坦蟒(Titanoboa exomantur,方舟特有倭化种)还大两倍左右。轩辕帝蟒长着一个比蛇更像龙的脑袋,并且拥有强大的咬力和滴淌着更致命的毒液的毒牙。
The unique shape of its skull allows Serpens to hunt in a way that other snakes cannot: by burrowing. Once underground, it simply waits for its victims to approach. Fortunately its forked tail is usually still visible, poking just aboveground.
Miraculously, survivors have not only managed to tame Serpens Regulus, but ride it. Some can even stay seated while it lies in wait belowground, though I doubt it's a pleasant experience. While a wild Serpens can only be forced out of hiding by fire or explosives, once domesticated, it is easily trained to burrow or surface on command.