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2017-04-18 13:05:55 模拟经营SIM 人气值:加载中...

  The Eccentricity attribute represents the likelihood of the goalkeeper to do the unexpected and typically act completely unlike a goalkeeper. Things like dribbling out of his area will be commonplace if the Eccentricity attribute is high.


  Handling: How securely the goalkeeper holds onto the ball when making a save or coming for a loose ball. Greater Handling will be beneficial in unfavourable weather conditions, but in general a goalkeeper who doesn't give up rebounds will be useful.


  Kicking is the physical capability of a goalkeeper to kick the ball - this purely defines the distance he can reach with a kick from hand or from the ground. his Passing rating will define how accurate his kicks are.


  One on Ones: The ability of the goalkeeper to do well when faced with an opponent in a one on one situation. Higher attributes will see goalkeepers attempt to impose themselves and win the ball with confidence.


  Reactions show how good the goalkeeper is at reacting to unpredictable events. If he has a high Reflexes rating, he will be able to respond to the unforeseen with more success and be able to pull off highlight reel saves, or clear the ball to safety.


  How good the goalkeeper is at coming off his line to react to through balls and similar situations. Goalkeepers will also benefit from having high Pace and Acceleration attributes in combination with Rushing Out.


  Tendency to Punch determines whether a goalkeeper will catch the ball when he can, or whether he prefers to punch it clear. A higher rating reflects a tendency to punch most things clear, even when it may be possible to hold onto the ball.


  Throwing: How good the goalkeeper's distribution is with his arms. A higher rating will increase the accuracy of his throws, although Strength imparts on the distance he is able to reach.



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足球经理2017Football Manager 2017
制作公司:Sports Interactive
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