

2014-06-16 01:02:52 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...


  Merchant District

  1. Youve found the home of the famous detective. (on the leftmost map, go ask the beggar)

  2. You killed Jack the Inkripper. (go around big crater, youll find him)

  3. You killed woody. (You evil person...). (ive killed woddy before..., need confirmation)

  4. You killed Dr. Lecter. (maybe i need to open his prison in ch 1 first?)

  5. Youve taken the gloves from the sacrificial altar. (go to open door before confront harker, it’s in the center of this place)

  6. Youve seen the Helsing signal. (find it at top most map after getting the glove above, go around a few stairs)

  Wormwood Chasm

  7. Youve taken the bizarre skull from the sacrificial altar. (to the right of downed soldier)

  8. Youve read all the headstones. (to the right after altar, there is a church. The headstones are there)

  9. You survived the mass harpy attack. (go up after church, youll find alot of scarecrow there)

  10. Youve used the key to open the Mystic Orb. (buy the key from giant in Giantwood, click headless statue in center of the map)

  11. Youve taken all items from all sacrificial altars. (if you get all item from altar before)

  12. Youve followed the instructions on the Ring of Guidance. (help...)

  13. Youve become the true owner of the Chimera. (help again ...)

  Tower Defense

  14. Youve found the secret area in the Halls of Remembrance. (TD 6)


提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页
范海辛的奇妙冒险2The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
制作公司:Neocore Games
发行公司:Neocore Games
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