Secret Lair
1. Youve had Koscheis Tear made. (talk to dr dampf to assemble moonstone from SC-Ch1-20)
Crystal Workshop
2. Youve summoned the chimera by turning the statues. (i believe it’s here, just don’t know how to get it yet)
3. Youve found the Emerald Lantern. (find a lone green lamp, on 2nd large area with many monster)
4. Youve found the chest full of essences. (search at top most map)
Viaduct Junction
5. You destroyed the Alpha Prototype. (besides plogiston factory portal/broken bridge, answer maybe yes)
6. Youve stolen the treasure of the Thieves Guild. (at topmost map youll find a dead end, go there and hear some chatter)
7. You thawed the Goldfish and made a wish. (Well someone did anyway...). (at topleft map, there’s some giant pot. Click it)
8. Youve found the strangely scientific looking Resistance sign. (hello half life player, still waiting for HL3?. Click stacked box)
9. Youve found the T95 Chip. (in a dead body before quality control room i think, it’s gone while i write this)
10. Youve found the Photon Blade Essence. (Find packaging room, there are 3 door it’s the one in center. Talk to little droid)
11. Youve found a secret area in the Foundry. (i believe its in Assembly hall, leftmost door.)
Floating Platform
12. You are one of the few who survived a mass squirrel attack. (in the center of the map there is alot of squirrel, kill them!)
Tower Defense
13. Youve found the secret area in the Invasion of the Inhuman Regiment. (TD 3)
14. Youve found the secret area in the Maze of Blades. (TD 4)
15. Youve found the secret area in the Caverns of Steel. (TD 5)