

2010-10-20 09:18:23 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...
br /> Rad Resistance (1 Rank) 辐射抵抗 (1级)

Prerequisite: Survival 40, Endurance 5 先决条件:生存40,耐力5

The Rad Resistance perk allows you to - what else?咖啡馆的RAD电阻允许你 - 还有什么? - resist radiation. - 抗辐射。 Your Radiation Resistance will be increased by 25%.您的抗辐射性将增加25%。


Scrounger (1 Rank) 拾荒者(1级)

Prerequisite: Luck 5 先决条件:运气5

With the Scrounger perk, youll find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would.随着Scrounger振作,你会发现相当多的容器通常会比你的弹药。


Stonewall (1 Rank) 肉山大魔王 (1级)

Prerequisite: Strength 6, Endurance 6 先决条件:力量6,耐力6

You gain +5 Damage Threshold against all melee weapons and unarmed attacks and cannot be knocked down during combat.你获得对所有近战武器和徒手攻击+5损伤阈值,不能在战斗中被击倒了。


Strong Back (1 Rank) 你挑着担~ (1级)

Prerequisite: Strength 5, Endurance 5 先决条件:力量5,耐力5

With the Strong Back perk, you can carry 50 more pounds of equipment (or "wasteland loot", if you prefer).有了强有力的支撑振作,你可以随身携带设备50多磅(或“荒地战利品”,如果你愿意)。


Super Slam (1 Rank) 泰森(1级)

Prerequisite: Melee Weapons 45, Strength 6 先决条件:近战武器45,强度6

All melee weapons (except thrown) and unarmed attacks have a chance of knocking your target down.所有近战武器(除了抛出)和非武装的袭击目标是敲下来的机会。


Terrifying Presence (1 Rank) 可怕的存在 (1级)

Prerequisite: Speech 70 先决条件:语音70

In some conversations, you gain the ability to initiate combat while terrifying a mob of opponents, sending them fleeing away for safety.在某些谈话中,你获得的能力,同时启动暴徒可怕的对手作战,把他们安全逃离了。 


动物朋友 (2级)

Prerequisite: Survival 45, Charisma 6 先决条件:生存45,魅力6

At the first rank of this perk, animals simply wont attack.在这个额外能力一流,动物根本不会攻击。 At the second rank, they will actually come to your aid in combat, but never against another animal.在第二级,他们实际上在战斗中来到你的帮助,但对其他动物不会。


Finesse (1 Rank) 战略大师(1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

With the Finesse perk, you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.随着Finesse的咖啡馆里,你有一个较高的得分机会,在战斗上的一个对手致命一击,相当于5运气加分。


Here and Now (1 Rank) 春哥附体 (1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

The Here and Now perk immediately grants an additional experience level, complete with all the advantages that brings.此时此地振作立即获得额外的经验水平,所有带来的好处完整。


Math Wrath (1 Rank)科学之怒 (1级)

Prerequisite: Science 70 先决条件:科学70

You are able to optimize your Pip-Boys VATS logic, reducing all action point costs by 10%.您可以优化您的皮普- Boy的胸腔镜逻辑,减少了10%,所有动作点成本。


Miss Fortune (1 Rank) 悲剧帝(后) (1级)

Prerequisite: Luck 6 先决条件:运气6

Just when your enemies think they have the upper hand, Miss Fortune appears to turn their world upside down.就在你的敌人认为他们占了上风,吴财富似乎把他们的世界颠倒了。 Appearing only in VATS, she has the ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.只出现在V模式,她有能力抢夺胜利颌骨失败。


Mister Sandman (1 Rank) 睡梦杀手 (1级)

Prerequisite: Sneak 60 先决条件:潜行60

With the Mister Sandman perk, when youre in Sneak mode, you gain the option to silently kill any human or ghoul while theyre sleeping.随着桑德曼先生振作,当你在潜行模式的时候,你得到选择默默杀死任何人或食尸鬼,当他们睡觉。 And, all Mister Sandman kills earn bonus experience points.而且,所有桑德曼先生杀死赚取经验值奖励。


Mysterious Stranger (1 Rank) 神秘的陌生人 (1级)

Prerequisite: Luck 6 先决条件:运气6

Youve gained your own personal guardian angel...你已经获得了自己的个人守护天使... armed with a fully loaded .44 magnum.武装与满载.44马格南。 With this perk, the Mysterious Stranger will appear occasionally in VATS mode to lend a hand, with deadly efficiency.有了这个额外能力,神秘的陌生人会偶尔出现在VATS模式借给手致命的效率。



Nerd Rage! (1 Rank) 愣头之怒!(1级)

Prerequisite: Science 50, Intelligence 5 先决条件:科学50,智力5

Youve been pushed around long enough!你已经足够长的摆布! With the Nerd Rage!随着书呆子愤怒! perk, your Strength is raised to 10 and you gain +15 Damage Threshold whenever your health drops to 20% or below.咖啡馆里,你的实力提高到10,你获得15时,您的健康损伤阈值下降到20%或以下。


Night Person (1 Rank) 夜行人 (1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

When the sun is down, a Night Person gains +2 to both Intelligence and Perception (up to a maximum of 10).当太阳下,一人获得2夜既智力和感知(最多10最大)。 This perk directly affects your "internal clock," and remains active both inside and outside.这个额外能力直接影响你的“内部时钟”,并仍活跃内外。


Plasma Spaz (1 Rank) 等离子体怪人 (1级)

Prerequisite: Energy Weapons 70 先决条件:能武器70

Youre just so excited about plasma that you cant (magnetically) contain yourself!你只是如此兴奋血浆你不能(磁)包含你自己! The action point costs for all plasma weapons (including Plasma Grenades) are reduced by 10%.所有血浆武器(包括电浆手榴弹)行动点成本降低了10%。 


快速的新陈代谢 (1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

With the Fast Metabolism perk, you gain a 20% health bonus when using Stimpaks.随着快速的新陈代谢振作,您将获得20%的生命值加成使用Stimpaks。


Ghastly Scavenger (1 Rank) 可怕的清道夫 (1级)

Prerequisite: Cannibal Perk 先决条件:食尸鬼

With Ghastly Scavenger, when youre in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a Super Mutant or Feral Ghoul corpse to regain health.随着恐怖的清道夫,当你在潜行模式的时候,你选择吃得到一个超级突变或野性食尸鬼尸体重获健康。 Every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature. Bon appetit!每一次你给,你将失去业力,如果该法案被目击,它被认为是犯罪的,对性质。 吃个饱! 重口帝你好,重口帝再见。

Hit the Deck (1 Rank) 击中甲板 (1级)

Prerequisite: Explosives 70 先决条件:炸药70

Your extensive familiarity with Explosives allows you to ignore a portion of their damage.您与炸药广泛熟悉让你忽略了他们的部分损失。 Your Damage Threshold is increased by 50% against any and all explosives - even your own.您的损伤阈值增加了50%反对任何和所有爆炸物 - 甚至是你自己的。 


Life Giver (1 Rank) 信春哥 (1级)

Prerequisite: Endurance 6 先决条件:耐力6

With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 hit points.只要你信春哥,你会得到额外30点生命值。 死后满状态原地复活!


Long Haul (1 Rank) 长途旅行 (1级)

Prerequisite: Barter 70, Endurance 6 先决条件:易货70,耐力6

You have learned how to pack mountains of gear for the Long Haul.你已经学会了如何包装为长途齿轮山。 Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using the games Fast Travel functionality.过分担保不再阻止使用游戏的快速旅游功能 


Piercing Strike (1 Rank) 五雷穿心掌 (1级)

Prerequisite: Unarmed 70 先决条件:徒手70

Piercing Strike makes all of your unarmed and melee weapons (including thrown) attacks negate 15 points of Damage Threshold on the target.穿刺攻击使你的手无寸铁的近战武器(包括抛出)否认袭击目标的15点伤害阈值的。 


Pyromaniac (1 Rank) 纵火狂 (1级)

Prerequisite: Explosives 60 先决条件:炸药60

With the Pyromaniac perk, you do +50% damage with fire-based weapons, like the Flamer and Shishkebab.随着放火狂振作,你用火+50%伤害的武器,如Flamer和Shishkebab。 爆破流必选!手雷威力也增加!

Robotics Expert (1 Rank) 机器人技术专家 (1级)

Prerequisite: Science 50 先决条件:科学50

With the Robotics Expert perk, you do an additional 25% damage to any robot.随着机器人技术专家咖啡馆里,你做一个机器人的任何额外25%的伤害。 But, even better, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and activating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.但是,更妙的是,潜伏在一个敌对的机器人将无所遁形,激活它放到一个永久性关闭状态的机器人。


Silent Running (1 Rank) 凌波微步 (1级)

Prerequisite: Sneak 50, Agility 6 先决条件:潜行50,敏捷6

With the Silent Running perk, running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.随着振作无声运行,运行到一个成功的因素不再偷偷尝试。


Sniper (1 Rank) 狙击手 (1级)

Prerequisite: Perception 6, Agility 6 先决条件:感知6,敏捷6

With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponents head in VATS is significantly increased.随着狙击手振作,您的机会击中对手的头部是在VATS显着增加。



提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页
辐射新维加斯Fallout New Vegas
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
制作公司:Bethesda Softworks
发行公司:Obsidian Entertainment
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