

2010-10-20 09:18:23 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...
br /> 瘟神 (1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

With the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste.随着血腥会所振作,人物和动物,你会经常发生爆炸杀死变成红色,肠道缠身,眼球遍布的粘贴。 Fun for the whole family!整个家庭的乐趣! Oh, and youll do 5% extra damage with all weapons.哦,你就能做的5%,而所有的武器额外伤害。


Demolition Expert (3 Ranks) 爆破专家 (3级)

Prerequisite: Explosives 50 先决条件:炸药50

With each rank of this perk, all of your explosive weapons do an additional 20% damage.这个咖啡馆里,每个职级,你的爆炸性武器都做了额外的20%的伤害。


Ferocious Loyalty (1 Rank) 凶猛的忠诚度 (1级)

Prerequisite: Charisma 6 先决条件:魅力6

The power of your personality inspires die-hard loyalty from your followers.你的人格力量激励铁杆追随者,从你的忠诚度。 When you drop below 50% health, your companions temporarily gain much greater resistance to damage.当你低于50%的血量减少,你的同伴暂时得到更大的阻力损失。 


Fortune Finder (1 Rank) 犀利哥 (1级)

Prerequisite: Luck 5 先决条件:运气5

With the Fortune Finder perk, youll find considerably more bottle caps in containers than you normally would.随着财富Finder中振作,你会发现比你在容器中通常会相当多的瓶盖。


Gunslinger (1 Rank) 神枪手 (1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

While using a pistol (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in VATS is significantly increased.而使用手枪(或类似的单手武器),你在VATS精度显着提高。


Hand Loader (1 Rank) 装载机手 (1级)

Prerequisite: Repair 70 先决条件:修复70

You know your way around a reloading bench and dont let good brass and hulls go to waste.你知道你周围的重装克路,不要让好的黄铜和船体白白浪费。 When you use Guns, you are more likely to recover cases and hulls.当您使用枪支的,你更可能收回案件和壳。 You also have all hand load recipes unlocked at any of the wastelands Reloading Benches.您也可以在手的所有负载食谱的荒地的重装长凳任何上锁。 


Lead Belly (1 Rank) 铅腹 (1级)

Prerequisite: Survival 40 or Endurance 5 先决条件:生存或耐力5 40

With the Lead Belly perk, you take 50% less radiation when consuming irradiated food and drink.随着铅肚皮振作,你把50%的消费时辐射辐照食品和饮料。


Shotgun Surgeon (1 Rank) 霰弹枪外科医生 (1级)

Prerequisite: Guns 45 先决条件:45枪

Your precision with a scattergun is something to behold.您与一scattergun精度是值得壮观。 When using shotguns, regardless of ammunition used, you ignore an additional 10 points of a targets Damage Threshold.用散弹枪时,伤害抵抗DT-10点


The Professional (1 Rank) 专业杀手 (1级)

Prerequisite: Sneak 70 先决条件:潜行70

Up close and personal, thats how you like it.近距离和个人,这就是你喜欢它。 Your Sneak Attack Criticals with pistols, revolvers, and sumachine guns, whether they be categorized as Guns or Energy Weapons, all inflict an additional 20% damage.您的偷袭击带着手枪,左轮手枪,枪和sumachine,无论是作为枪或能武器,所有造成额外20%的伤害分类。 


Toughness (2 Ranks) 铁血真汉子(胸口碎大石) (2级)

Prerequisite: Endurance 5 先决条件:耐力5

With the Toughness perk, you gain +3 to overall Damage Threshold.随着韧性振作,您将获得3整体损伤阈值。 THis perk may be taken twice, with the second rank granting you an additional +3.这个额外能力可采取两次,第二次给予您额外的3级。


Vigilant Recycler (1 Rank) 弹药制造(1级)

Prerequisite: Science 70 先决条件:科学70

Waste not, want not.不浪费,不想要。 When you use Energy Weapons, you are more likely to recover drained ammunition.当您使用能源武器,你更可能恢复耗尽弹药。 You also have more efficient recycling recipes available at the wastelands Workbenches.你也有更多有效的回收食谱在荒地的工作台可用。 缺子弹吗?可以点~

突击队员 (1级)

Prerequisite: None 先决条件:无

While using a rifle (or similar two-handed weapon), your accuracy in VATS is significantly increased.而使用步枪(或类似的双手武器),你在VATS精度显着提高。 


Cowboy (1 Rank) 废土大镖客,大表哥(1级)

Prerequisite: Guns 45, Melee Weapons 45 先决条件:45枪,近战武器45

You do 25% more damage when using any revolver, lever-action firearm, dynamite, knife, or hatchet, pardner.你做25%的损害时,使用任何左轮手枪,杠杆作用枪支,炸药,刀或斧头,pardner。 


Living Anatomy (1 Rank) 活体解剖 (1级)

Prerequisite: Medicine 70 先决条件:医药70

Living Anatomy allows you to see the health and Damage Threshold of any target.生活解剖让你看到的健康和损伤阈值的任何目标。 It also gives you a +5% bonus to damage against humans and non-feral ghouls.它也给你一个5%的奖金,就对人类和非野生食尸鬼的伤害。 可以点,喜欢杀人的越货必备技能

Pack Rat (1 Rank) 打包专家 (1级)

Prerequisite: Barter 70, Intelligence 5 先决条件:易货70,智力5

You have learned the value of careful packing.你已经学会了仔细的包装价值。 Items with a weight of 2 or less weigh half as much for you.为2个或更少的重量重达你的一半。 Hardcore players, this ones for you.性交的球员,这一个对你。 


Quick Draw (1 Rank) 快速绘图 (1级)

Prerequisite: Agility 5 先决条件:敏捷5

Quick Draw makes all of your weapon equipping and holstering 50% faster.奎克德劳使你的武器装备和holstering 50%的速度的。 




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辐射新维加斯Fallout New Vegas
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
制作公司:Bethesda Softworks
发行公司:Obsidian Entertainment
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