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2010-04-09 16:59:42 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...

Big Book of Science (Science)                    0003403C
Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual (Sneak)        00034045
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine (Medicine)            00034043
Deans Electronics (Repair)                    0003403D
Duck and Cover! (Explosives)                    0006A80C
Grognak the Barbarian (Melee)                    00034040
Guns and Bullets (Small Guns)                    0003403E
Lying, Congressional Style Speech)                00034044
Motivational Secrets of the Stars                0002D3A3
Nikola Tesla and You (Energy Weapons)                00034041
Paradise Lost                            000BACFE
Pugilism Illustrated (Unarmed)                    0003403F
Survival Guide Manuscript                    0002D3B2
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor (Barter)            00034042
Tumblers Today                            00034046
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes (Big Guns)        00034048
Wasteland Survival Guide                    000C5634
Youre SPECIAL!                            000AB2EF

dart gun                            000BAFFA
bottlecap mine                            000BAFFB
deathclaw gauntlet                        000BAFFC
nuka-grenade                            000BAFFD
railway rifle                            000BAFFE
rock-it launcher                        000BAFFF
shishkebab                            000BB000

Quest Items(任务物品)
Pre-war Books                            000C5D24
Scrap Metal ?                            00031944
Fusion Pulse Charge (Megaton Quest)                00014F81
Fission Battery                            00033BC6
finger (The Regulators Quest)                    000604DE
Ant Queen Pheromones (Rivet city quest)                00033068
Ink Container (Forgin the Declaration of Independance)        00003AA2
Ear                                000604DD
Sheet Music Book (Agathas Quest Part 2)            0006835F
Rivet City Historical Record (Megaton Quest)            0002D3B3
8 ball                                0002EDFB

Bobby Pins(发夹,开锁工具)              0000000A
Bottle Caps(钱啊~~~)                    0000000F
Medical Brace                           0002210D
Stealth Boy(隐形小子)                   00043E94
Wonder Glue                             0002210A
Brotherhood of Steel Holotags           0001EDC5
Violin                                  000033ff
Abraxo Cleaner                          00022106
Cherry Bomb                             00022108
Conductor                               00022102
Deathclaw Hand                          0002210B
Empty Nuka-Cola Bottle                  00022103
Firehose Nozzle                         00022101
Leaf Blower                             00022100
Leather Belt                            0002210C
Lunchbox                                00022107
Paint Gun                               0002210E
Pressure Cooker                         00022113
Radscorpion Poison Gland                0002210F
Sensor Module                           00022100
Steam Gauge Assembly                    00022112
Surgical Tubing                         00022111
Tin Can                                 00022104
Turpentine                              00022105
Wonderglue                              0002210A
Flour                                   00074EE1
2 Ball                                  0002B415
5 Ball                                  0002B417
8 Ball                                  0002B418
10 Ball                                 0002B41B
13 Ball                                 0002B41D
Ashtray                                 00034057
Baseball                                0002B40B
Baseball Glove                          0002B410
Basketball                              0002B40E
Bent Tin Can                            0005B6CA
Bonesaw                                 000250A3
Butter Knife                            0005B639
Butter Knife                            0005B63A
Box Of Detergent                        0003406F
Camera                                  00034062
Carton Of Cigarettes                    00034068
Chessboard                              0009A809
Cigarette                               0005B52C
Clipboard                               00025238
Coffe Mug                               0003406C
Coffe Pot                               00025421
Cue Ball                                0002B41F
Cup                                     0003407B
Cutting Board                           0003406E
Damaged Garden Gnome                    0005B635
Dinner Plate                            0005B59F
Drinking Glass                          0005B633
Earnings Clipboard                      00025237
Empty Syringe                           000250A8
Empty Whisky Bottle                     0005B6CE
Finance Clipboard                       00025236
Food Sanitizer                          0002D3A5
Forceps                                 00025DA7
Fork                                    00034078
Glass Pitcher                           0005B636
Hammer                                  0005B637
Harmonica                               0005B638
Hot Plate                               0005516B
Intact Garden Gnome                     0005B634
Iron                                    00034088
Large Burned Book                       000A9E6C
Large Destroyed Book                    000A9E6F
Large Scorched Book                     000A9E6E
Large Whisky Bottle                     0005B6CD
Lawn Mower Blade                        00023E03
Medical Clipboard                       00025235
Metal Cooking Pan                       0003409C
Metal Cooking Pot                       000340A7
Metal Spoon                             000340BC
Milk Bottle                             0005B63B
Mortorcycle Gas Tank                    000220FB
Motorcycle Handbrake                    000220FE
Nuka-Cola Truck                         00029171
Pack Of Cigarettes                      00034069
Pencil                                  0005B63C
Plunger                                 000340A4
Pool Ball                               0002B412
Pre-War Money                           00034067
Rake                                    000340AD
Red Plate                               0005B63E
Scapel                                  000250A5
Scissors                                000250A4
Shot Glass                              000340B5
Small Destroyed Book                    000A9E6B
Small Ruined Book                       000A9E69
Small Scorched Book                     000A9E6A
Spatula                                 000340BB
Spork                                   0005B641
Teddy Bear                              0001F21F
Tin Plate                               0002541C
Triangle                                0002C5F6
Tweezers                                000250A6
Vacumm Cleaner                          000220FF
Wasteland Survival Guide                0005A795
White Plate                             0005B63D
Wrench                                  0005B6D0


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辐射3Fallout 3
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
制作公司:Bethesda Softworks
发行公司:Bethesda Softworks
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