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2016-08-08 17:29:50 冒险游戏AVG 人气值:加载中...



  UPDATE 1.03

  Sean Murray|August 7, 2016

  Update 1.03

  When we went gold five or six week ago,we posted on twitter, and literally every reply was like “hope you are going on a nice holiday!”. Some of us have, but I didn’t want to, not yet. I pictured myself somewhere staring out the window thinking about this game I’ve been working on for five years.

  We’re under a pretty intense spotlight right now, and hopefully it’s easy to imagine how hard it would be to switch off from that, or how deeply we care about people’s first impression of the game.

  In fact most of us were back here the day after we went gold,working on this update. We’re already proud of what we put on a disk, but if we had time, why not continue to update it?

  Hello Games will continually update No Man’s Sky this way. This is the first of many.

  It will be available on Monday for press for review once it exits submission, and on launch for public on PC and PS4. We expect future updates like these to continue to be free.

  For 99.9% of people, all you have to do is install the update before you begin to play.

  If you hadan early copy somehow, your save game will technically work post update, but you will miss out on new content and experiences if you don’t delete your save before updating (should be obvious why from notes below). We highly recommend deleting your save if you have played before updating your game (we won’t do this in future, but it’s a day zero update).

  Servers will be wiped on Sunday and again Monday in the lead up to launch.

  Beware these notes contain some spoilers.Here are some things our little team has been up to over the last four or five weeks:

  The Three Paths – there are now new, unique “paths” you can follow throughout the game. You must start the game on a fresh save, with the patch, as early choices have significant impact on what you see later in the game, and the overall experience.The Universe – we changed the rules of the universe generation algori



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无人深空No Man’s Sky
游戏平台:PC PS4
制作公司:Hello Games
发行公司:Hello Games
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