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2016-07-25 14:07:55 动作游戏ACT 人气值:加载中...




  Cheerful Giraffe (Version 1.0)


  Reworking game introduction and story

  Introduced the protectorate into the story

  Added Protectorate game introduction mission

  New quests & missions themed around Apex, Avian, Floran, Glitch, and Hylotl centered around the ark

  Introduced clue objects, which provide necessary info to locate each mission location/artifact when inspected:

  Apex clues - Big Ape Doll, Big Ape Target Map, Minidrone Intel Rack, Miniknog Intel Display, Miniknog Newspaper

  Avian clues - Kluex Gift Mural, Kluex Serpentine Statue, Kluex Treasure Map, Kluex Winged Statue, Kluex World Mural

  Floran clues - Champion's Spear Display, Ixoling Pike, Primitive Hunter Art, Spinneret Trophy, Web Rack

  Glitch clues - Glitch Statuette, Mounted Horn Banner, Royal Decree, Scribe's Desk, Themed Chess Table

  Hylotl clues - Hylotl Library Codex, Hylotl Library Model, Hylotl Music Box, Pagoda Aquarium, Vintage Library Poster

  Completing each race mission now unlocks a racial artifact, tied into the ark - Avian Artifact Altar, Apex Artifact Altar, Floran Artifact Altar, Glitch Artifact Altar, Hylotl Artifact Altar

  Each racial mission also recruits a special NPC to The Ark outside the outpost

  New Quests - The Protectorate, Boot Up, Getting Started, Become Space-worthy, The Erchius Mining Facility,Visit The Outpost, Find Clues to Locate the Floran Artifact, Fetch the Floran Artifact, Find Clues to Locate the Hylotl Artifact, Fetch the Hylotl Artifact, Find Clues to Locate the Avian Artifact, Fetch the Avian Artifact, Find Clues to Locate the Apex Artifact, Fetch the Apex Artifact, Find Avian to Locate the Floran Artifact, Fetch the Avian Artifact, Find Clues to Locate the Glitch Artifact, Fetch the Glitch Artifact,Opening the Ark, Let's Get Technical, A Dashing Individual, Jump-starting Development, Jumping To The Right Conclusion, Rounding Up The Components, Getting The Ball Rolling, Koichi's Request, The Ruler of the Apex, The Visage of a Hunter, Silent Knight, Fresh Tunes, The Final Acquisition, A Challenger Approaches, The Glory That's Inside, Arena of Fire, Dreadwing the Penguin (Quest), Penguin Weaponry Testing Site, Sparrow Ship Upgrade, Kestrel Ship Upgrade, Falcon Ship Upgrade, Eagle Ship Upgrade, Condor Ship Upgrade, Shady Sparrow Ship Upgrade, Questionable Kestrel Ship Upgrade, Fishy Falcon Ship Upgrade, Illicit Eagle Ship Upgrade, Crooked Condor Ship Upgrade, The Lost Teddy, Free as a Bird, Fuel for the Ride, The Hero's Forge


  Lore almost completely rewritten

  New codex library window design

  New codex entries - 10 Years On, A Culture of Beauty, A Departed Floran, A Greenfinger's Diary, A Guide To Colony Construction, A History of Space Travel, A Nice Day Out, A Pilgrimage to Avos, A Plea to Self Aware Glitch, A Slight Misunderstanding, A Treatise on the Floran, A United Earth, Apex An Identity Lost, Apex Ration Book, Avian Battle Techniques, Avoscript Verse 1-1-1, Avoscript 23-4-27, Built for Purpose I, Built for Purpose II, Communication Failed, Dissent in our Midst!, Doomed Machines Discovered, Earth's Emergency Broadcast,Emergency Lockdown, Filling Up the Tank, Floran Architecture, Floran Family Trees, Floran Meatbook, Florans in the Mist, Good Floran Behaviour, Guest in the Castle, History of the Hunt, History of the Stargazers, How I Became A Landlord 1, How I Became A Landlord 2, How I Became A Landlord 3, How I Became A Landlord 4, How I Became A Landlord 5, How I Became A Landlord 6, How To Get Meats, Human Census Report, HUMANITY NEEDS YOU!,Humanity's Redemption, In Defence of Our Race, It's Not a Bug, It's a Creature, La Resistance, Letheia Corporation Guidelines, Letter from the Librarian, Living In Fear, Maku's Journal, Manifesto of the Grounded,Mechanical Mechinations, Medicine Amongst the Glitch, Miniknog Crisis Aversion, Nox's Journal, Off-Earth Human Census, Official Notice, Our Duty to the Stars, Our Lost Wings, Project De-Ape Lab Report, RE Selection bias,Rebel Dispatch, Rools, Salvage Plans, Seasick, Side Effects of VEP, Stargazer's Treasures, The Ancient Alphabet, The Erchius Horror, The Evolution of the Hylotl, The Eyes of Kluex, The Fall of Our Peace, The Ins and Outs of It, The Ixodoom, an Analysis, The Plague of Madness, The Pledge of the Scholar, The Prefix Problem,The Protectorate Code, The Role of a Greenfinger, The Silly Miniknog, The Superior Species, To Train the Warrior, Trapped in a Tomb, We Who Survive, What I Did On My Holidays, Yolotli's Diary Entry 1, Yolotli's Diary Entry 2, Yolotli's Diary Entry 3, Yolotli's Diary Entry 4


  New Crafting Stations[1]

  Crafting stations now upgrade via a button within the crafting window

  Inventor's Table ► Engineer's Table ► Architect's Table

  Apothecary ► Medical Station

  Foraging Table ► Agricultural Station

  Wooden Workbench ► Industrial Workbench

  Spinning Wheel ► Sewing Machine

  Primitive Furnace ► Industrial Furnace ► Atomic Furnace

  Anvil ► Forge ► Replicator (Replicator upgrade modules - Accelerator Addon, Manipulator Addon, Separator Addon)

  New tabbed interface for crafting windows

  Almost all recipes reworked/balanced for gameplay progression

  New crafting ingredients - AA Battery, Battery, Canvas, Cog, Cotton Wool, Fired Clay, Glass, Hinge, Screws,Silicon Board, Silk, Silk Fibre, Synthetic Material, Thread, Tungsten Bar (replaces Steel Bar), Volatile Powder

  New consumables - Burn Resistance Spray, Orange Stim Pack, Salve

  New status effects - Electric Resistance, Fire Resistance, Ice Resistance, Poison Resistance

  New craftable melee weapons - Durasteel Broadsword, Durasteel Shortsword, Iron Broadsword, Iron Shortsword,Titanium Dagger, Titanium Spear, Tungsten Axe, Tungsten Hammer, Violium Broadsword, Violium Shortsword

  New craftable ranged weapons - Ferozium Staff, Ferozium Wand

  New Novakid craftable guns - Durasteel Assault Rifle, Durasteel Revolver, Iron Assault Rifle, Iron Revolver,Titanium Machine Pistol, Titanium Sniper Rifle, Tungsten Magnum, Tungsten Shotgun

  New cooking recipes - Alien Fruit Juice, Baked Potato, Boiled Rice, Cooked Tomato, Popcorn, Pussplum Jam,Roasted Carrot, Roasted Mushrooms, Spicy Ribs

  New craftable decorations - Scarecrow

  Craftable armor display stand - Mannequin

  Craftable ship hatches - Apex Ship Hatch, Avian Ship Hatch, Floran Ship Hatch, Glitch Ship Hatch, Human Ship Hatch, Hylotl Ship Hatch, Novakid Ship Hatch

  New farming tools - Sprinkler

  Craftable mining tools - Cave Detector, Ore Detector

  Craftable Moth Traps (which produce Silk Fibre)

  Removed Cerulium Compound, Impervium Compound and Ferozium Compound. Top tier armor is now made with Solarium Star.

  Replaced Rubium Ore and Refined Rubium with Ferozium Ore and Refined Ferozium


  Monsters are again capturable using the capture pods, which also includes unique monsters.

  Pet health now displays in player inventory window

  Pet image, name and description have been added to the capture pod tooltip.

  Damaged pets can now be healed using the newly added Creature Healing Station

  Pets can be placed and tethered in place using craftable Pet Tethers

  Pet Collars - These augments can be applied to pets inside capture pods to permanently give them stat boosts, defenses, and special status effects: Bouncy Collar, Damage I Collar, Damage II Collar, Damage III Collar,Electric Bomb Collar, Fire Bomb Collar, Ghostly Collar, Healing I Collar, Healing II Collar, Healing III Collar,Health I Collar, Health II Collar, Health III Collar, Ice Bomb Collar, Light Collar, Oblivious Collar,Poison Bomb Collar

  New harvestable farm animals:

  Baby Fluffalo - Hatches from eggs purchased at Terramart. Evolves into different animals based on special feed.

  Fluffalo - Evolves when fed an Ordinary Acorn, provides Plant Fibre

  Electric Fluffalo - Evolves when fed an Electric Eggplant, provides Static Cells

  Fire Fluffalo - Evolves when fed a Blazing Berry, provides Scorched Cores

  Ice Fluffalo - Evolves when fed a Frosty Fig, provides Cryonic Extract

  Poison Fluffalo - Evolves when fed a Poison Pear, provides Venom Samples

  Crew Members

  Ability to recruit NPCs as crew members aboard your ship

  Ability to recruit becomes available after completing a set number of generated tenant/generated quests

  Alternatively, if players choose not to colonize they can recruit penguin mercenary crew members from a bar at the outpost.

  Crew members can follow and fight alongside players outside their ship

  Crew member roles provide passive effects, enhance your ship and provide unique benefits.

  Crew outfits are colored by role, but can be customized to any outfit provided the crew has a tailor.

  Ship size upgrades can now be unlocked by crew size expansion (optionally)

  Upgrading ship size also increases the number of crew members that can follow the player and occupy their ship

  Penguin mercenaries can be hired using dubloons at the outpost (as an alternative method to gather crew outside quests)


  Reworked quest progression entirely

  Each racial mission now has a quest line to locate clues to find the instance and obtain a special artifact. These clues can be found by inspecting artifacts, talking to NPCs or completing other quests.

  New Museum side quests

  New Arena side quests

  Techs are now unlocked by quests that send a player through a unique course to train them on the tech.

  Generated guests - These quests are generated to have villager NPCs and tenants throughout the game request players do things like gather a specific item or defeat a nearby enemy. Completing these quests can give players reputation with the NPC, and they may join your ship crew. These quests are endlessly generated, ensuring players will never run out of objectives they can choose to take on.


  Fossil Station implemented in game.

  Fossil mini-game reworked

  New Fossil tools - Basic Fossil Brush, Advanced Fossil Brush, Master Fossil Brush

  New fossil displays - Small Fossil Display, Medium Fossil Display, Large Fossil Display

  Collectible fossil pieces - Amber, Ammonite, Egg, Fern Fossil, Fish, Footprint Fossil, Mysterious Alien Skull,Penguin, Sabertooth Skull, Trilobite, Alpaca Skull, Alpaca Torso, Alpaca Legs, Apex Skull, Apex Torso, Apex Legs, Avian Skull, Avian Torso, Avian Legs, Avioscale Skull, Avioscale Torso, Avioscale Legs, Floran Skull,Floran Torso, Floran Legs, Frogg Skull, Frogg Torso, Frogg Legs, Glitch Head, Glitch Torso, Glitch Legs, Human Skull, Human Torso, Human Legs, Hylotl Skull, Hylotl Torso, Hylotl Legs, Ixodoom Skull, Ixodoom Torso, Ixodoom Spine, Ixodoom Hips, Ixodoom Stinger, Ophidaunt Skull, Ophidaunt Torso, Ophidaunt Upper Tail, Ophidaunt Mid Tail, Ophidaunt Lower Tail, T-Rex Skull, T-Rex Torso, T-Rex Legs, T-Rex Upper Tail, T-Rex Lower Tail,Unidentified Skull, Unidentified Torso, Unidentified Legs,


  New rail system (replaces skyrails and elevators)

  New crafting station - Rail Crafting Table

  Rail types - Rusty Rail, Composite Rail

  Rail Components - Rail Bumper, Rail Sensor, Rail Stop, Rail Switch

  Riding tools - Composite Rail Platform, Rail Hook, Rusty Rail Platform



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发行公司:Chucklefish Games
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