命令 | 描述 |
ZED | You've got ZEDGun! |
WinMatch | Win! |
Walk | Disables flying and/or noclip mode |
ViewZombie | View From Random Zombies. |
ViewSelf | View From Own Camera. |
ViewPlayer name | View From Players. |
Teleport | Allows You to teleport to the surface (or wall) at your crosshair. |
Summon | Summon string ClassName (like Summon kfchar.zombieclot) |
Sniper | Gives Sniper Weapons |
SMG | Gives SMG Weapons |
Slomo x | Lets you modify the game speed of the current game (1 = normal speed). |
ShowPaths | show apple paths of the zeds -UnCheats |
ShowDebug | can see the path and a lot of word |
Shotty | Gives all shotguns |
Setjump x | Lets you modify the jump height of the current game. |
Setgravity x | Lets you modify the gravity of the current game (-950 = normal gravity). |
SetFlash | flash screen |
Rifleme | Gives rifle weapons |
ReviewJumpSpots | spawn a bot and use the bot Viewed,and show the word. |
Playersonly | Freezes everything except players |
Pistols | Gives all pistol weapons |
Phil | God |
PatRage | Forcing the Patriarch to do his radial attack. |
Nails | You've got NailGun! |
MopUp | Show The number of zombies in this map was. |
Meleeme 0/1 | Gives melee weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo |
Meds | Gives Medic Weapons |
LockCamera | Lock the Camera or not lock |
Loaded | Gives 999 ammo for every weapon |
LaidLaw | You've got LAW! |
KillViewedActor | use it to kill the bot Viewed |
Imrich | Gives 10,000 cash |
IJC | Gives IJC Weapons |
HugeGnome | Big Fun In HillbillyHorror |
Horde | Spawns a RandomZombie around you. |
Heal | Heals the player |
God | God mode |
Ghost | Noclip mode |
FrightPack 0/1 | Gives Fright Pack Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo |
FreezeFrame X | After the time tick X,it will auto pause game |
Freezeall | Freeze everyting. |
FragZeds | blow them up. |
Flares 0/1 | Gives Flare Guns 0-None 1-MaxAmmo |
Flare 0/1 | Gives Flare Gun 0-None 1-MaxAmmo |
FlameUp 0/1 | Gives Flame Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo |
Enablecheats | |
ChangeSize x from 0 to 5 | Scale the player's size to be x default size |
Camo | Gives Camo Weapons |
BurnEm | Burn Them To Hell. |
Bond2 | Gives Golden Weapons Part II |
Bond | Gives Golden Weapons Part I |
Bombs 0/1 | Gives BombMan Weapons 0-None 1-MaxAmmo |
Backup | Spawns a bot. The bot doesn't kill or defend itself. |
AssaultMe | Gives Rifle Weapons |
Arsenal | Gives 70% Weapons |
ArmorUp | Everyone has full armor |
Allammo | 999 ammo for every weapon |
命令 | 描述 |
adminloginpas3erword | Logs you in as admin usingpassword |
adminlogout | Logs out admin mod |
admin adminsaymessage | Displaysmessagein the middle of each player's screen |
admin mapKF-mapname.rom | Changes current map toKF-mapname.rom |
admin SwitchKF-mapname.rom | Changes current map toKF-mapname.rom |
pause | Pauses the game |
admin Kick | remove a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list) |
admin KickBan | Ban a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list) |
admin RestartMap | Restart Current Map. |
admin NextMap | Go to NextMap. |
admin PlayerList | Write player list save to KillingFloor.log |
杀戮空间2Killing Floor 2
游戏平台:PC PS4
制作公司:Tripwire Interactive
发行公司:Tripwire Interactive