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2015-04-07 13:39:31 动作游戏ACT 人气值:加载中...


圣杯作用 附加仪式 圣杯代码 一阶装备 二阶装备 三阶装备 四阶装备
Ailing Loran Root None x98va7xn None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None v6kuqc2c None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Cursed and Defiled Root None gh2z72rh None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None kej4jbt3 None / Unsure Uncanny Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering nmjapuuu None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Lower Ptdumeru Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering cnjji6e4 None / Unsure Lost Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure
Central Petdumeru Root Fetid Offering rtddmazf Uncanny Saw Cleaver Uncanny tdreaded Cane None / Unsure None / Unsure
Sinister Isz Root Sinister Bell 357dsscz None / Unsure Lost Kirkhammer Lost tdreaded Cane None / Unsure
Ailing Loran Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering rw4rsf25 Lost Hunter Axe Lost Hunter Axe Uncanny Beast Claw None / Unsure
Hintertomb Root Fetid Offering z79dz9gd None / Unsure None / Unsure Uncanny Hunter Axe None / Unsure
Lower Hintertomb Root Fetid Offering gaxrwchu Uncanny Stake Driver None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Cursed and Defiled Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering brkepzqq Uncanny Ludwig's Holy Blade None / Unsure Uncanny Reiterpallasch None / Unsure
Sinister Hintertomb Root None n5udvvzx None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Central Petdumeru Root Fetid Offering xkpxwan2 Uncanny Saw Spear None / Unsure Uncanny tdreaded Cane None / Unsure
Central Petdumeru Root Fetid Offering ggnycrbr Uncanny Saw Spear Uncanny tdreaded Cane None / Unsure None / Unsure
Sinister Hintertomb Root None 3wsy55du None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering, Curse wikifcsa None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Isz Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering 672kmhsc Lost tdreaded Cane None / Unsure None / Unsure Lost Kirkhammer
Central Petdumeru Root Fetid Offering 4yg9ky6b Uncanny tdreaded Cane None / Unsure Uncanny Saw Spear None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Rotted Offering 4jrak58f None / Unsure Lost Burial Blade Lost Reiterpallasch None / Unsure
Lower Hintertomb Root None niut67f None / Unsure Uncanny Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None dcwwhbts None / Unsure Uncanny Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ailing Loran Root Fetid Offering 6u5n5ctu Lost Hunter Axe None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ailing Loran Root Rotted Offering pzidw2a7 Uncanny Tonitrus Uncanny Beast Claw None / Unsure None / Unsure
Lower Ptdumeru Root None cq8txwvz None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Lower Ptdumeru Root None 2fvj36xy Uncanny Riflespear None / Unsure Lost Saw Cleaver None / Unsure
Lower Ptdumeru Root Fetid Offering 5hbkfgpn Uncanny Kirkhammer None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Lower Ailing Loran Root Fetid Offering, Curse 6krqjavr Lost Beast Claw None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering 5wu2zv5n Lost Chikage None / Unsure Lost Burial Blade None / Unsure
Ailing Loran Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering kaqduxiu Lost Hunter Axe Uncanny Beast Claw None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None cjra37wc Uncanny Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Isz Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering, Curse p3umyztu None / Unsure Lost Kirkhammer None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering, Curse d5v7f64i None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Isz Root None ge5wsydz None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Sinister Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Sinister Bell 4y673b6j None / Unsure Lost Logarius' Wheel None / Unsure None / Unsure
Lower Ptdumeru Root None 645uxsmh None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None pg6antdb None / Unsure Uncanny Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None a7jhk846 Uncanny Saw Cleaver None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Fetid Offering, Rotted Offering, Curse 74cwze3h None / Unsure None / Unsure Lost Chikage None / Unsure
Lower Ptdumeru Root None sjxfexue None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ailing Loran Root None 5s5dj7iw None / Unsure None / Unsure Lost Riflespear, Uncanny Beast Claw None / Unsure
Lower Hintertomb Root None dt9qe63m Uncanny Stake Driver None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root None sz73v83s None / Unsure Lost Blade of Mercy Lost Burial Blade Lost Chikage
Ptdumeru Ihyll Root None jqcqey6p Lost Blade of Mercy Lost Chikage Lost Reiterpallasch None / Unsure
Ptdumeru Root None wbg4m9gm None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Ailing Loran Root None nf5p55kt Uncanny Beast Claw None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Sinister Isz Root Sinister Bell byfne74r Lost Kirkhammer None / Unsure None / Unsure None / Unsure
Sinister Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Rotted Offering kej4jbt3 Uncanny Saw Spear, Lost Stake Driver, Lost Logarius' Wheel Uncanny Blade of Mercy, Lost Kirkhammer Uncanny Burial Blade, Lost Burial Blade Lost Blade of Mercy, Lost Reiterpallasch
Sinister Ptdumeru Ihyll Root Fetid Offering Rbrbjrft Lost Chikage Uncanny Kirkhammer Uncanny Burial Blade Uncanny Chikage


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