

2014-07-11 16:16:12 格斗游戏FTG 人气值:加载中...

Jin - False Hero

1. Beat Bang 打赢bang

2. 1st option 选第一项

3. Carl

4. Noel

5. Beat Ragna, If you lose to Ragna you will get another ending 打赢ragna,输了的话会得到另一个结局

6. Beat Nu, If you lose to Nu you will get another ending.打赢牛,输了的话会得到另一个结局

False Hero Clear End 2099/12/31

1. Beat Bang, if you lose to Bang you will get game over. 打赢bang

2. 2nd option 选第二项

3. Beat Tager 打赢tager

4. Beat Noel. If you lose to Noel you will get game over 打赢noel

5. Beat Ragna. If you lose to Ragna you will get game over. 打赢ragna

6. Beat Nu. If you lose to Nu you will get another ending. 打赢牛,输了的话会得到另一个结局

False Hero Clear End 2099/12/31

1. Beat Bang, if you lose to Bang you will get game over. 打赢bang

2. 2nd option 选第二项

3. Lose to Tager 输掉tager

4. Beat Rachel, if you lose to Rachel you will get game over. 打赢rachel

5. Beat Ragna, if you lose to Ragna you will get game over. 打赢ragna

6. Beat Nu , if you lose to Nu you will get another ending. 打赢牛,输了的话会得到另一个结局

7. Beat Hakumen, if you lose to Hakumen you will get game over. 打赢hakumen

False Hero Clear 2099/12/31

NOTE: For that fight against Hakumen I think their might be a condition to it involving seeing one of Jins other ends or getting a clear on Hakumens path(might need his alt end) I get the feeling if you try that path before a condition I think the story may just stop right before the Hakumen path you will still get the Clear End though for it even if you dont fight Hakumen. I cant double check this because my file is already complete, but Im throwing it out there in case someone might get stuck.


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苍翼默示录/蔚蓝光辉BlazBlue Continuum Shift
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
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