

2014-10-28 16:25:29 第一人称射击FPS 人气值:加载中...

  Action Skill: Expendable Assets

  Press F to summon two Digi-Jacks to fight and die for you. Digi-Jacks lose Health constantly until they die. When a Digi-Jack dies, a new one will be summoned near you. Press and hold F to end Expendable ASsets early and gain a reduction to your cooldown. Cooldown: 40 Seconds


  Free Enterprise skill tree seems based on providing bonuses on switching weapons as well as reloading and of course that big sponsorship bonus at the end of the tree.

  右系技能,提供不同增益的技能,为你的开火率,换弹换武器等等提供增益,最后那个技能给武器忠诚奖励。High-Frequency Trading – Increases Weapon Swap Speed. 15%/level


  Incentives – Swapping weapons increases Fire Rate for a short time. Each stack lasts 10 seconds and all stacks are lost if you do not swap weapons after 10 seconds. 2%/stack Max 4 stacks.


  Marginal Benefit – Throwing a Grenade has a chance to Reload all equipped weapons. 9% chance/level


  Compound Interest – Shooting an enemy applies Compound Interest to that enemy, causing it to accrue interest for 5 seconds. Shooting the same enemy with a different gun consumes Compound Interest and deals Explosive Damage based on your skill rank and the amount of interest accrue. Only works with bullet and laser guns. Interest rate 14%/sec per level.

  射击敌人会给敌人上一个名为“复利”的Buff,zhege buff持续5秒的时间,切换到别的武器来射击这个敌人消耗掉这个Buff并产生爆炸伤害,伤害根据你的技能等级和利息的大小来算。只能通过子弹和镭射照成这个Buff,利率为14%每秒每级。

  Money is Power – Picking up money grats you a Money is Power stack. You gain increased Damage with all gun types for every Money is Power stack you currently have. All stacks are lost upon dying or spending money (Max of 999 stacks). Bonus damage +0.25%/stack


  Merger – Melee Override Skill. Press to fire Shock lasers from your wrists. This ability has a cooldown. 20 second cooldown/(lowers with level?)


  Taxation of Trade Routes – Increases your Fire Rate with all gun types. The bonus is based on how many bullets are currently in the magazines of all your equipped guns. The emptier your gun’s magazines, the greater the bonus. Fire rate increased by up to +12%/level


  Company Man – Gain increased Accuracy and Critical Hit Damage with all gun types based on the number of pieces of Hyperion gear you have equipped. Accuracy +1.5% per Hyperion item/level Critical hit damage +2% per Hyperion item equipped/level


  Absolute Advantage – Kill Skill. Killing an enemy causes your shots to have a chance to not consume ammo for a short time. Rocket Launchers have a reduced chance to not consume ammo. Free ammo chance 8%/level, Free rocket chance 4%/level


  Supply and Demand – Grants you and your allies constant Health Regeneration. The lower your health the more powerful the regeneration. Regenerates up to 1% of your Max Health/second per level, Allies receive 20% of this bonus.


  Laser Surplus – Slam Augment. When you Slam you shoot a Cone of Lasers in front of you


  Sponsored By… – Your gun gains a Manufacturer Bonus based on the last gun you held in your hands.

  Dhal – Recoil Reduction: +50%

  Hyperion – Accuracy: +30%

  Jakobs – Weapon Damage +30%

  Maliwan – +25% Damage as Elemental

  Scav – Magazine Size: +35%

  Tediore – Reload Speed: +35%

  Torgue – +25% Damage as Explosive

  Vladof – Fire Rate: +35%




提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页
无主之地:前传Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
制作公司:2K Games
发行公司:2K Games
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