第十关 End of the Road
Item | Location |
Swiss Derringer | Kill Lenny and take it from his crippled wimp carcass. 杀死Lenny后取得 |
Aries Charging Ram | From Wades car. Wade的车内 |
STG 58 | From Wades car.Wade的车内 |
M590 12GA | From Wades car.Wade的车内 |
Ilyon R700 | From Wades car.Wade的车内 |
Bong | There is a grave marked with a cows skull. The bong is there. 水烟筒 |
Dogs Bone | Several locations: Lennys grave, the dog carcass, and the grave with the bong. 狗骨 |
Fire Poker | Detonate the dynamite in the wrecked stagecoach, the poker spawns amidst the debris 火钳,引爆残破的公车,火钳在其残骸里 |
Tomahawk | Embedded in the twisted tree that Lenny goes to after he leaves wrecked stagecoach.战斧,嵌在一棵扭曲的树上,Lenny离开破烂公车后去到的地方 |
Wrench | Put the car behind 47. Put Lennys grave ahead of you. There is a small pile of rocks just past Lennys grave (proabably off-center to the left a bit) that has this item.扳手,背对汽车,面对Lenny的坟墓,有一堆石头在远处稍偏左的地方 |
第十一关 Dexter Industries
本章包含4个场景:Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Arms Dealer, Factory Guard, Truck Driver, Chipmunk Costume 收集制服:军火商,工厂警卫,货车司机,花栗鼠戏服 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the evidence in Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound 收集4个证据:1Dead End场景,走到尽头的建筑,出口所在,闭路电视旁的电台处; 2上楼后,一个大油罐旁的类似老式电视机的东西那;3Descent场景,过了矿洞,用钥匙牌开的铁栏之后的那个房间里,有两个警卫在交谈的;4Factory Compound场景,大堂的问讯台上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the chapter without being spotted. Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound |
Suit Only | Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound |
Sore Loser | Eliminate the guards playing the videogame and destroy the game console (shoot the TV below it). Descent场景,干掉2个在玩电子游戏的警卫,然后破坏游戏机(射击电视机) |
Cliffhanger | Send a guard flying by yanking them out the window (defenestration). 让2个警卫飞出窗外(似乎尸体也算) |
New Toys | Use a Proximity Mine to kill five enemies (all at once or piecemeal). 用地雷干掉5个敌人(一次性或逐个) |
Seal the Deal | Enter the lobby unseen 不被发现地进入大堂 |
Packing Heat | Enter the storage rooms in Dead End and Factory Compound. A keycard is required. One can be found in one of the shacks in Dead End, but there is one in each of the other levels. 分别进入Dead End和Factory Compound的储物室。需要钥匙牌,其中一个在Dead End的一个棚子里,其它楼层各有一个 |
Infiltration | Clear mission |
Under the Bridge Part 1 | Factory Compound. Snipe an enemy at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG 在Factory Compound场景,用狙击枪干掉1个桥上的敌人,不引发任何警报或怀疑 |
Under the Bridge Part 2 | Factory Compound. Snipe three enemies at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG and within 10 seconds. 在Factory Compound场景,10秒内用狙击枪干掉3个桥上的敌人,不引发任何警报或怀疑(有一定的时间限制,开始到右侧的岗楼上,等2个哨都在左边的时候,迅速爆头,必须爆头而且尸体掉下悬崖才算,然后自己迅速奔到左侧的悬崖大树下,等待最后一个哨放弃警戒回归岗位,再次爆头,搞定) |
Under the Bridge Part 3 | Factory Compound. Snipe three enemies (do it again) at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG 在Factory Compound场景,用狙击枪干掉3个桥上的敌人,不引发任何警报或怀疑(时间更短,但无需保证尸体掉下悬崖,按Part 2的顺序杀,无需换射击位置) |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Factory Guard | The enemies who wear desert tan body armor and BDUs 工厂警卫制服,穿沙漠迷彩防弹衣的 |
Disguise - Truck Driver | The red shirt enemies at the Factory Compound 货车司机制服,红色衣服 |
Disguise - Chipmunk Costume | The second storeroom locked by the keycard lock in the Factory Compound map. 花栗鼠戏服,Factory Compound场景,过桥后最左侧的储物室,需钥匙牌进入的 |
Disguise - Arms Dealer | Unique disguise at the Factory Compound map. The NPC is by the red sports car.军火商制服,在红色跑车旁 |
Aries 24-7 | Handgun used by enemies. 手枪 |
STG 58 Elite | Assault rifle used by enemies. 自动步枪 |
AH 74U | Submachinegun used by enemies 冲锋枪 |
Kazo TRG | Sniper rifle found at the mouth of the mine exit in Factory Compound and in the rooftop room of the factory building. 狙击枪,在Factory Compound里的矿坑出口,和工厂建筑的屋顶的房间 |
Hammer | Junk object found in various spots. 锤子,多处有 |
Bottle | Found in abundance. 瓶子,很多 |
Wrench | Found here and there. 扳手,到处是 |
Proximity Mine (type 1) | This proximity mine is the deployable ones from the storage rooms and Descent. 地雷一型,在储物室和楼下 |
Proximity Mine (type 2) | This mine is on display in the lobby of the Factory Compound. It is a live piece of ordinance. 地雷二型,在大厅展示 |
Gasoline Can | Found here and there 汽油罐,到处有 |
Axe | Embedded in a stump at the start of Dead End 斧头,在Dead End一开始处,一个树桩上 |
Dummy Arm | Found in a storage room. Check both. 假肢,在储物室 |
Key Card | Found Dead End, Old Mill and Factory Compound 钥匙牌 |
Knife | Factory Compound. Right outside the bathroom to the right of the bridge where you can see a trucker. Also in the same room where the Remote Explosive can be found. 刀,Factory Compound场景,洗手间外,桥的右前方的房间里 |
Metal Pipe | Junk item found here and there. 金属管,到处有 |
Radio | On a table in Descent 收音机,楼下一张桌子上 |
Remote Explosive | Factory Compound. In a room accessible from the roof where a single guard patrols 遥控炸弹,Factory Compound场景,从屋顶进入的房间里,由一个警卫把守的 |
Screwdriver | Item found here and there. 螺丝刀,到处有 |
杀手5:赦免Hitman: Absolution
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
制作公司:Eidos Interactive
发行公司:Square Enix