Hammer of the Ancients 上古之锤
of Demolition 拆迁之
Rend 撕裂
of Evisceration 开膛之
Threatening Shout 恐吓怒吼
of Anguish 愤慨之
Bash 猛击
of Bruising 重伤之
Cleave 撕裂
of Sundering 斩断之
Frenzy 狂乱
of the Maniac 狂躁之
Ground Stomp 撼地践踏
of Trampling 踩踏之
Ignore Pain 无视痛苦
of Iron Flesh 钢铁之躯之
War Cry 战争怒吼
of the Warlord 军阀之
Ancient Spear 上古之矛
of Grappling 锚钉之
Leap Attack 跳跃攻击
of Bounding 边界之
Revenge 复仇
of Vengeance 仇恨之
Weapon Throw 投掷武器
of Hurling 猛掷之
Battle Rage 战斗之怒
of Rivalry 敌对之
Furious Charge 狂暴突进
of the Rhinoceros 犀牛之
Seismic Slam 震地波
of Shattering 破碎之
Overpower 压倒
of Conquest 征服之
Sprint 冲刺
of Swift 迅捷之
Whirlwind 旋风斩
of Vertigo 晕头转向之
Call of the Ancients 先祖之魂
of the Summit 巅峰之
Earthquake 地震
of Tremors 颤抖之
Wrath of the Berserker 狂战士之怒
of Violence 暴力之