Cold Damage 寒冷伤害
of Winter 寒冬之
of the North 北方之
of the Cliffs 峭壁之
of Arctic 极地之
of Frost 寒冰之
of the Yeti 雪人之
of the Shivers 冰片之
of Chill 寒冷之
of the Avalanche 雪崩之
Lighting Damage 闪电伤害
of the Eel 电鳗之
of the Tempest 暴雨之
of Storms 风暴之
of Storms Upheaval 狂风暴雨之
of Discord 刺耳之
of Hurricane 飓风之
of Discord Lunacy 喧嚣难忍之
of Discord Hysteria 震耳欲聋之
of Conflagration Delirium 精神错乱之
Posion Damage 毒伤害
of the Snake 毒蛇之
of Lesions 损害之
of Illness 病变之
of Sores 疡之
of Blight 枯萎之
Arcane Damage 奥术伤害
of the Raven 乌鸦之
of the Cosmos 宇宙之
of Thought 思想之
of Mind 精神之
of the Old Ones 长者之
of Infinity 无尽之
of Moonlight 月光之
of Star Fire 星火之
of Starlight 星光之
of Madness 疯狂之
of the Void 虚空之
of Insanity 愚顽之
of Void from Beyond 超越虚无之
from Beyond 来自彼岸之
of the Owl 枭之
Haste 急速
of the Hare 野兔之
of the Whirlwind 旋风之
of the Zephyr 西风之
of Celerity 迅捷之
of Recklessness 鲁莽之
of Haste 迅捷之
of Zeal 狂热之
Cast 施法
of the Oracle 甲骨文之
of Brilliance 光辉之
of the Magus 占星师之
of Sorcery 魔力之
of Moonlight Severity 月光皎洁之
of Moonlight Resolve 月光柔美之
of Moonlight Rampant 极夜之光之
of Thaumaturgy 秘术之
of Prophcy 预言家之
Life Steal 生命盗取
of the Vampire Roaring 吸血鬼的咆哮之
of Fiend 瘾君子之
of Ichor 脓水之
of Exsanguination 放血之
Regen 再生
of the Lizard 蜥蜴之
of Scales 鳞片之
of Lizard Audacity 鲁莽蜥蜴之
of Longerity Fortitude 坚强不息之
of Longevity 长命之
of Regeneration 再生之
of the Undying 不灭之
of the Everliving 永生之
of Immortality 不朽之