

2011-05-05 10:08:53 冒险游戏AVG 人气值:加载中...



NEW MAIN QUEST: Make an Escape Plan
From: Storyline
Reward: FREEDOM (What, you wanted a cookie?)
How to Accomplish: Talk to your fellow POWs, they might have something
interesting to say.

First youll talk to the American soldier as hes the first one youll come
to. Hell inform you of the overall plan and suggest you obtain a uniform to
fool the bridge guard.

Next, youll speak with the British chap north of the American. Hell tell the
orques deep dark secret and major weakness: they cant read. Which makes your
new task of forging documents much MUCH easier. What horrible guards.

Lastly, well talk to the French fellow to your east (Gee, it seems like the
whole world is in on this war and like its not the first time either. Hmmmm.)
He likes to talk in codes and informs you that to cross the bridge youll need
to firgure out the password somehow.

Now the gate to the east will open allowing you to progress.

NEW MAIN QUEST: Find Orque Gloves/Boots/Shoulder/Vest/Helmet
From: POW Soldier 1 (American)
Reward: A charming new set of orquish diggs
How to Accomplish: Once you go through the gate leaving the camp head north on
the road. Kill jungle beasts for the clothes they ate. Be carefull of the big
beasts as they spawn a group of smaller ones when they die. Be sure to equip
the orque clothes.

NEW MAIN QUEST: Find an Item to Write With
From: POW soldier 2 (British)
Reward: One step closer to escape
How to Accomplish: East of the camp youll find some wooden walkways with some
interrigator chickens on them. Kill all the chickens and keep heading east
until you find a rather large one. Kill him and recieve a quill.

NEW MAIN QUEST: Find an Item to Use as Ink
From: POW soldier 2 (British)
Reward: Even closer to escape...
How to Accomplish: Travel north to where all the jungle beasts are, then head
west into the jungle. Here youll be attacked by jungle squid tenticles. Fight
your way further west and youll see a much larger tenticle. Kill this and it
will drop some ink.

NEW MAIN QUEST: Find Paper to Write On
From: POW soldier 2 (British)
Reward: Two steps closer to escape
How to Accomplish: Continue north from where you fought the squids and youll
come to a rather disgusting place filled with latrene goos, thats right its
a latrene. Once you have killed all of the smaller goos attck the big one. Once
it is dead youll recieve some toilet paper.

From: POW soldier 2 (British)
Reward: A falsified ID for clubing and crossing drawbridges
How to Accomplish: Combine the pen with the ink and the inked pen with the
paper in your inventory.

NEW MAIN QUEST: Learn the Secret Password
From: POW soldier 3 (French)
Reward: Secret and forbidden knowledge of liberation
How to Accomplish: As you approach the latrene youll hear two orques talking
to each other about how much they hate their detail. One of them is occupying
the outhouse. This is when you learn that gnomes when eaten in exccess causes
constipation. The other orque being the good guy that he is helps his friend
relax by telling him their soothing password "and the mighty Orque Barks Back".

NEW MAIN QUEST: Get Across the POW Bridge
From: POW soldier 1 (American)
Reward: Um... you get across the bridge
How to Accomplish: Once your fully decked out in orque garb, have combined the
pen ink and toilet paper, and youve committed the password to memory, go east
of the control point and begin a dialog with the orque bridge guard.
After youve proven your Orqiness youll be allowed to pass.

Once the bridge is down head across and kill the orques. Then youll see a
gate next to which is a first aid station that will dole out potions for you.
So stock up on potions and head through the gate . Now begins the revolution
er... um... well, it seems all your POW buddies have been killed with fire.
Well now its up to you. Head north and kill all the regular orques but avoid
Ze Commandorque until they are all dead. Once they are begin a dialog with
commandorque. Now youll change into the jungle murder set which resembles
Rambo. Nice. He will begin to attack you. Hes level 4 so you should be careful
and the missles that he calls in with his monocle will kill you in one hit.
Hit and run tactics work well. Youll also need to kill the little
orques that come to help, but that should be pretty easy. Dont forget to
block if you need to and use your justice meter.

Remember that you can get a full justice meter by doing a perfect block, you
just need to time your block to right before he hits you. You can get in a lot
of back hits by using the telsa rod.

Once hes dead youll collect his monocle which is a great weapon of justice
that turns your enemies against one another. Now follow the path west through
another gate to the north and youll come to a cave

   Once you exit the cave youll walk up a path where once again youll meet
Sandy the tall armored red head who lied to you in the first game and then
didnt save you from the POW camp. But I digress. A cutscene will reveal to
you the secret of the thongs.



提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页
戴斯班克:雪山地牢DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
游戏平台:PC PS3
制作公司:EA Partners, Hothead Games
发行公司:Electronic Arts
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