2010-02-04 15:03:09
Acid Cloud
Rank 0/1
Mana Cost: 15
Drop a deluge of acid on the targeted area. Deals an initial 1-4 poison damage followed by 4-8 poison damage per second to enemies who remain in the area.
Talent Modifiers
Conjured Power
Rank 0/15
Increased damage done by spells by 1% for every 10 points of vitality.
Conjuring Duration
Rank 0/15
Increases the duration of your Stone Skin and Acid cloud spells by 1 second and the duration of your mirror image images by 2 seconds.
Improved Spectral Blade
Rank 0/15
Increases the damage of Spectral Blade by 14%.
Level 4 (15 Conjure Skill Points Required)
Rank 0/1
Mana Cost: Unknown
Creates a multi-headed beast that attacks your enemies with bolts of fire.
Magic Weapon
Rank 0/1
Mana Cost: 10
Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it increased damage.
Talent Modifiers
Magical Impact
Rank 0/15
Increases damage of all spells by 15% of your weapon damage.
Slowing Strikes
Rank 0/15
Enemies damaged by your melee attacks, Spectral Blade or Magic Weapon have their movement speed reduced by 30% and their attack speed reduced by 20% for 4 seconds.
Armor Piercing
Rank 0/15
Conjured and physical damage decreases the armor of armored enemies.
Rank 0/1
Mana Cost: Unknown
Creates a multi-headed beast that attacks your enemies with bolts of fire.
Magic Weapon
Rank 0/1
Mana Cost: 10
Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it increased damage.
Talent Modifiers
Magical Impact
Rank 0/15
Increases damage of all spells by 15% of your weapon damage.
Slowing Strikes
Rank 0/15
Enemies damaged by your melee attacks, Spectral Blade or Magic Weapon have their movement speed reduced by 30% and their attack speed reduced by 20% for 4 seconds.
Armor Piercing
Rank 0/15
Conjured and physical damage decreases the armor of armored enemies.
