

2010-02-01 13:25:05 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...

游侠见习版主:doremigeng 原创



感谢qwe12op 关于dead of night的翻译纠正,magicain关于Transcribe的翻译纠正;hang0326 关于Aeonar的翻译纠正;感谢DDDDDE对第三卷,第八卷以及第五十卷的翻译纠正;感谢adelinshark 对于第五十卷的翻译纠正;感谢yyxxyy对Brother Genitivi的翻译修正;感谢 hang0326 对第一百一十五卷的翻译修正;感谢rainhere 对地六十六卷的修正;感谢raydium 对第四十一卷,第四十三卷,第四十九卷的翻译修正;






Codex Entry 93: On Dalish landships

For non-Dalish

The Dalish, who band together in small groups of blood relatives, travel in ornately carved wagons known as aravel, drawn by large white stags called halla. The aravel are a unique sight, beautiful in their swooping curvature, and adorned with broad hoods and bright silken cloths that flap in the wind, often displaying the noble banners that once flew over that family’s house. Most humans refer to the aravel as "landships," for in a strong wind it can often appear as if the elves travel in long boats with sails high overhead to announce their arrival (or warn others away). The halla are unique to the elves, and any but elven handlers consider them ornery and almost impossible to train. To the Dalish, they are noble beasts, superior in breeding to the horse. Certainly most humans would agree that the halla are as beautiful as the elves themselves; the fact that many imperial nobles maintain a bounty on halla horns that find their way into Tevinter is an affront the Dalish consider unforgivable.

Few among us can claim to have seen the Dalish landships up close. Any human who sees them on the horizon does well to head the other way. Few Dalish clans take kindly to humans intruding on their camps, and more than one tale tells of trouble-making humans who found themselves mercilessly filled with Dalish arrows.

--From In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Travels of A Chantry Scholar, by Brother Genitivi.

For Dalish PCs

"We are the Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path. We are the last elvhen. Never again shall we submit."

--The Oath of the Dales

Someone once told me that humans flee when they see the sails of our aravels flying above the tops of trees. I say, good, let them flee. The humans took everything from us--our homeland, our freedom, our immortality. Whats a little fear compared to all the horrors inflicted upon us? I recite the Oath of the Dales to myself each day when I sleep and when I wake: "Never again shall we submit." Never again.

The keeper says that one day the Dalish will find a home that we can call our own. But why? Why should we tie ourselves to stone constructions like the humans and the dwarves? What is wrong with the life we have now? We owe nothing to anyone, we have no master but ourselves, and we go where the halla and the gods take us. There is nothing more wonderful than sitting on an aravel as it flies through the forest, pulled by our halla. We are truly free, for the first time in our peoples history. Why should we change this?

--From the journal of Taniel, clan hunter.













提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页
龙腾世纪:起源Dragon Age:Origins
游戏平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
发行公司:Electronic Arts
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