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BlizzCast8《 暗黑破坏神3》专访

2009-08-05 12:07:16 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...

Bashiok: Can you describe for those listening what it currently looks like?



Mike: Lets see… if I had to use a cruel comment, one that I made myself as I was making it, oh "Its the fury traffic light". Because its three spheres stacked vertically, and no we’re not making them three different colors, but you know as I was doing it I was like oh great, it pretty much well assures us that we are not doing different colors because it will well indeed look like a traffic light. But that’s the gist of it, because when youre playing hopefully your vision is in the center of the screen, and this is going to be to your right and down below. So you need to see a very bright graphic that kind of flashes to let you know, that even if you flick your eyes down there you’ll see Ive got two or three of whatever that is to spend. Really that was the goal. Hopefully Julian and his team will ramp it up, so that, because we want it to catch your eye while you’re doing it, but not be a distraction.



Bashiok: Right, sounds like a cool system. I’m looking forward to it. For those listening on iTunes or elsewhere be sure to check the BlizzCast website because we will have images and some art assets to check out for this interview. And that about wraps it up, I want to thank Julian and Mike for joining me here today.


Julian: You’re welcome.

Mike: Thanks for having me.


Bashiok: And that about wraps it up for BlizzCast 8, I want to thank you very much for listening. This has been Bashiok, signing off.



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