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《辐射4》武器传奇特效附魔方法 如何附魔

2015-11-19 15:14:57 角色扮演RPG 人气值:加载中...





  传奇效果前缀可以添加到普通装备上去。你可以把普通装备仍在地上然后利用控制台命令“attachmod“附魔(比如点中装备出现装备ID后,控制台输入“attachmod 你想要的前缀代码”)。你不能在同一件装备上加上多个前缀,但是你可以加在护甲上(护甲的传奇特效是叠加的,比如降低10%V消耗,五件都是这个前缀则可以降低50%的消耗)。并且你可以替换传奇装备的前缀。



  Name Stat

  Form ID

  Assassin's 对人类造成50%额外伤害. 000e6846

  Automatic 自动武器. 000a4739(不是传说前缀)

  Berserker's 你的护甲越低伤害越高. (护甲0时两倍伤害) 001ef5d7

  Bloodied 生命越低伤害越高. 001ec036

  Crippling 对四肢50%额外伤害. 001e6d6b

  Enraging 暴击使敌人狂暴. 001f6ad4

  Explosive 子弹爆炸并造成15点范围伤害. 001e73bd

  Exterminator's 对螃蟹和虫子造成50%额外伤害. 001f81eb

  Freezing 10点冷冻伤害并且暴击时冻结目标. 001f5479

  Furious 每次命中同一目标都会增加伤害. 001ef481

  Ghoul Slayer's 50%额外伤害对尸鬼. 001e6847

  Hunter's Does 50%额外伤害对动物. 001e6845

  Incendiary 使目标着火造成15点伤害. 001e7173

  Instigating 目标生命全满时双倍伤害. 001f04b8

  Irradiated 50点额外辐射伤害. 001cc469

  Junkie's 上瘾效果越多伤害越高. 001eb99a

  Kneecapper 20% 几率断腿. 001f1048

  Lucky Weapon 暴击双倍伤害并且暴击条充能加快15%. 001cc2a6

  Medic's 治愈目标. 001f109c

  Mutant Slayer's 50%额外伤害对超级变种人. 001e6848

  Never Ending 无限弹夹. 001cc2ac

  Nimble 瞄准时移动加快75%. 001ebabd

  Nocturnal 晚上伤害增加白天减少001e8174

  Penetrating 忽略30%双抗. 001f4426

  Plasma Infused 增加10点能量伤害并使敌人化成绿渣. 001f9b4d

  Poisoner's 目标中毒10秒 001f31b9

  Powerful 25%额外伤害. 001cc2ab

  Quickdraw 减少25%AP消耗. 001f1026

  Rapid 加快25%射速和15%换单. 001ec56d

  Relentless 暴击补充AP. 001ed37e

  Sentinel's 站着和不动时加15%抗性. 001f5995

  Staggering 可能命中时使目标踉跄. 001e81ab

  Stalker's假如没被发现,增加V命中但消耗更多AP. 001f04bd

  Troubleshooter's 额外50%伤害对机器人. 001f81ec

  Two Shot 双蛋,降低命中 001cc2ad

  VATS enhanced 增加V命中率并且降低25%AP消耗 001cc2aa

  VATS enhanced 降低40%V消耗. 00000000

  Violent Deals +25%伤害和四肢伤害但后坐力更大. 001f7b8a

  Wounding 目标流血造成25点额外伤害. 001e7c20


  EditName Stat

  Form ID

  Acrobat's 降低50%跌落伤害. 001f1df9

  Almost Unbreakable 四倍耐久. 001f1e0c(没见过,也许是废弃不用的,有兴趣的可以试试)

  Assassin's 降低来自人类伤害15%. 001f1df3

  Bolstering 获得双抗当生命越低时 (最高 +35). 001f8165

  Cavalier's 格挡或者冲刺时降低伤害15%. 001f579d

  Chameleon当你潜行和不动时敌人更难发现你(变色龙). 001f4d18

  Cunning +1 敏捷和感知 001cf57c

  Duelist's 10% 对近战敌人缴械. 001f3a49

  Exterminator's 降低来自螃蟹和虫子的伤害15%. 001f81ed

  Fortifying +1力量和耐力 001cf57f

  Freefall 免疫跌落伤害(信仰之跃?) 00093bbd

  Ghoul slayer's 降低来自尸鬼伤害15%. 001f1dee

  Herbalist's +25毒抗. 001f3072

  Hunter's 降低来自动物伤害15%. 001f1deb

  Low Weight 更低负重. 00000000

  Lucky +2幸运. 001cf57e

  Martyr's 当战斗中生命低于25%会进入子弹时间. 00000000

  Mutant Slayer's 降低来自绿皮伤害15%. 00000000

  Powered 增加AP恢复速度. 001f7a75

  Punishing 反弹10%近战伤害. 00000000

  Safecracker's增加解锁时判断区域. 00000000

  Sharp +1魅力和智力e. 00000000

  Sprinter's 增加10%移动速度. 001f1c2f

  Titan's 站立和不动时减少15%伤害. 001f57e4

  Troubleshooter's 降低来自机器人伤害15%. 00000000

  VATS 降低10%AP消耗. 00000000



  001F1DF9 Acrobat's 50% reduced damage from falling

  001F1E0C Almost Unbreakable Quadruples durability

  001F1DF3 Assassin's 15% reduced damage from humans

  001F8165 Bolstering Increases energy and damage resistance as HP diminishes (up to +35)

  001F579D Cavalier's 15% reduced damage while blocking or sprinting

  001F4D18 Chameleon Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving

  001CF57C Cunning +1 Agility, +1 Perception

  001F3A49 Duelist's 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit

  001F81EB Exterminator's 15% reduced damage from Mirelurks and bugs

  001CF57F Fortifying +1 Strength, +1 Endurance

  00093BBD Freefall No falling damage

  001F1DEE Ghoul Slayer's 15% reduced damage from Ghouls

  001F3072 Herbalist's +25 poison resistance

  001F1DEB Hunter's 15% reduced damage from animals

  001F1E0B Low Weight Low carry weight

  001CF57E Lucky +2 Luck

  001F2D3D Martyr's Temporarily slows time during combat below 20% HP

  001F1DF4 Mutant Slayer's 15% reduced damage from Super Mutants

  001F7A75 Powered Increases AP refresh speed

  001F1E47 Punishing Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker

  001F3CA9 Safecracker's Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks

  001F5995 Sentinel's 15% less damage while standing and not moving

  001CF57D Sharp Charisma +1, Intelligence +1

  001F1C2F Sprinter's Increases wearer's movement speed by 15%

  001F57E4 Titan's 15% reduced damage while standing and not moving

  001F81EC Troubleshooter's 15% reduced damage from robots

  001F1D62 V.A.T.S. Enhanced -10% AP cost in V.A.T.S. (does not add prefix)

  Weapon OMODs

  Form ID Prefix Effect

  001E6846 Assassin's +50% damage vs. humans

  000A4739 Automatic Automatic fire mode

  001EF5D7 Berserker's More damage the lower your damage resistance

  001EC036 Bloodied More damage the lower your health

  001F57E2 Cavalier's 15% less damage while blocking or sprinting

  001E6D6B Crippling +50% limb damage

  001F6AD4 Enraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy

  001E73BD Explosive Bullets explode on impact inflicting 15 AOE damage

  001F81ED Exterminator's +50% damage vs. Mirelurks and bugs

  001F5479 Freezing 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits

  001EF481 Furious Damage increases after each hit on same target

  001E6847 Ghoul Slayer's +50% damage vs. Ghouls

  001E6845 Hunter's +50% damage vs. animals

  001E7173 Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage

  001F04B8 Instigating 2x damage if the target is at full health

  001CC469 Irradiated 50 points additional radiation damage

  001EB99A Junkie's Damage increases with the number of withdrawal effects

  001F1048 Kneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target's leg

  001CC2A6 Lucky Weapon 2x critical damage, +15% critical refill rate

  001F109C Medic's Heals targets instead of hurting them

  001E6848 Mutant Slayer's +50% damage vs. Super Mutants

  001CC2AC Never Ending Unlimited ammo capacity

  001EBABD Nimble 75% faster movement while aiming

  001E8174 Nocturnal Increases damage as night grows longer; decreases damage during the day

  001F4426 Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance

  001F9B4D Plasma Infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo

  001F31B9 Poisoner's Target is poisoned for 10 seconds

  001CC2AB Powerful Provides 25% more damage

  001F1026 Quickdraw Costs 25% fewer AP

  001EC56D Rapid Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload

  001ED37E Relentless Refills your AP on a critical hit

  001E81AB Staggering Chance to stagger on hit

  001F04BD Stalker's If you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP

  001F81EE Troubleshooter's +50% damage vs. robots

  001CC2AD Two Shot Shoots an additional projectile

  001CC2AA V.A.T.S. Enhanced Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less AP cost (adds prefix)

  002056F0 V.A.T.S. Enhanced 40% less AP cost (does not add prefix)

  001F7B8A Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil

  001E7C20 Wounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage





辐射4Fallout 4
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