Brewing recipes
Fools Juice (Jester Cap) - Bought from Kapua in Native Village @ The Sword Coast
Sharpeye Paste - Bought from Di Silva in the inn @ Caldera
Swordthorn Essence - Bought from Emma @ Antigua
So far Ive found these plants:
Heros Crown
*Crystal Cave on first Island
*Sword Coast near Monkey Tower (opposite of the cave you are asked to check out when you go with steelbeard to the natives camp)
*Sword Coast - Hill overlooking Earth Temple
*Antigua - Northwestern Island
*Maracai Bay - Climb up some cliffs east of Angus
*Thieves Island - Northernmost point, on a cliff.
*Antigua - Near Garcias Treasure
*Sword Coast - unknown
*Antigua - On the right, after exiting the caves outside of Harbour.
*Thieves Island - Slaynes Cave
*Thieves Island - Northernmost cave
*Isle of the Dead - Arena
*Tacirigua - unknown
*Sword Coast - Bat Cave behind Native tower upriver
*Sword Coast - Jaguar Cave
*Antigua - Graveyard
*Isle of the Dead - Easternmost part of the map
*Isle of the Dead - Around Thiefs Temple
*Sword Coast - Graveyard
*Caldera - Mauregatos hosue
*2 more on either Sword Coast or Tacirigua, I started writing down locations after I found these
*Antigua - Southwestern most beach
*Thieves Island - Northwest of Port, on a hill
Jesters Cap
*Sword Coast - Earth Temple
*Calderra - Town Square
*Antigua - Hobgoblin seacave
*Antigua - Beach near lookout tower (west)
*Thieves Island - Slaynes Cave
*Isle of the Dead - Near entrance
*Isle of the Dead - North of Thiefs Temple, on the outer side of a house, edge of cliff