Rogue Hex成就一共有39个,这些成就要求我们去建造一座城镇,并发扬壮大它。那么成就都有哪些呢?下面小编就为大家带来全成就一览,看看39个成就该如何达成。
Rogue Hex成就有哪些
Settle your first city.
Growing Up
Grow a city to level 3.
Upgrade a card in your hand and play it in the same turn.
Cub Scout
Promote a Scout to level 2.
Earn a Breakthrough seven times.
Clear a barbarian encampment.
Good Knight
Advance to the Medieval era.
Butte Call
Explore sixty-nine tiles on one turn.
Pack Hunter
Attack with three flanking units.
It Takes a Village
Capture a Village in City Limits.
Start Your Engine
Draw ten cards in one turn.
Brain Blast
Earn three Breakthroughs in one turn.
Conquest Quest
Clear all of the barbarian Encampments to win.
Wall Done
Found a city on a tile with old barbarian walls.
Grow a city to ten Citizens.
High Five
Promote a unit to level five.
Content Creator
Draft four cards on one turn.
A Great Eye
Observe 111 tiles at once with a single unit.
Mushroom Clout
Use a Nuke to destroy an Encampment.
Old Dog
Upgrade an Ancient era unit all the way to the Modern era.
Build three Wonders in one city.
Kill a barbarian with a converted unit.
Squirrel Friend
Save 10 Food in Storage.
Totally Hammered
Upgrade your entire deck.
Cutting Shapes
Shuffle twice in one turn.
Rainbow Road
Connect 5 cities together with roads.
Gloves Off
Clear an Encampment with an Attack card.
Build a city on a mountain.
Sprawl Good
Expand a city to 37 tiles.
Travelling Salesman
Deliver an item to a city 10+ tiles away.
Speed Walker
Win a match in 40 turns or less.
Draft 5 copies of the same card.
Win a game on Hex Level 1.
Culture Bomb
Capture an occupied Encampment with Settle.
Ignorance's Blitz
Clear Barbara's Stronghold during the Ancient era.
Win a game on Hex Level 5.
Final Notice
Deliver an Eviction Notice to Barbara's Stronghold.
Black Cat
Win a game on Hex Level 10.
Win a match on Hex Level 4 in 20 turns or less.
以上就是Rogue Hex全成就一览,探索土地,抵御部落侵袭,壮大你的帝国。