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2016-07-04 14:45:48 动作游戏ACT 人气值:加载中...

  What was the rebirth scene about?

  The most downright terrifying enemy you encounter throughout the duration of Inside is undoubtedly the long-haired, naked creature that chases you underwater throughout the latter half of the game. However, when it eventually catches up to you and appears to finally drown you, in actuality it effectively prompts your "rebirth," hooking you up to a machine similar to the mind control helmets that allows you to not only breathe underwater indefinitely, but also control every other human experiment you come into contact with on a whim.

  This is undoubtedly one of the most curious scenes in the game, but does explain why out of all the experiments, the underwater creature is the only one that actively appears to be hostile towards you. This is seemingly due to it not wanting to kill you, but rather "help" you by attaching you to the machine and granting you new powers. Each time you die as a result of it drowning you, it was actually due to it failing its goal, which explains why after being "reborn" you're never confronted by it again.

  But why is it so concerned with sparking your rebirth? Well...





  The blob is in control of everything, including the player

  Inside concludes with a lingering image of the blob lying on a patch of grass next to the shore, the sun beaming directly down upon it, with it still finally completing its goal of escaping from its watery cage and finally gaining freedom from its captors/creators. Unless the boy willingly sacrificed himself for the blob, it is presumable that it was directly in control of his actions, a theory which is further evidenced by the secret ending. Then there's the aforementioned water creature who helps the boy gain extra powers, all of which are crucial to eventually getting the boy to rescue the blob. It's therefore quite easy to theorize that the blob shares a telekinetic link with each of the experiments in Inside's world, with it able to manipulate them for the sole purpose of freeing itself from the factory.

  This would suggest that, despite its gelatinous, monstrous appearance, the blob is actually an intelligent life-form and is the only experiment featured in the entire game that is acting of its own free will. This essentially means that although the player only physically controls the blob in the last few chapters of the game, in actuality they've been playing as the blob the entire time by way of controlling the boy.





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