奖杯/成就名称 | 获得条件 | 成就点数 | 奖杯 |
Devils Never Cry | Obtain all other Trophies | - | Platinum |
恶魔从不哭 | 获得其它所有奖杯 | - | 白金 |
Easy Does It | Clear all missions in Human Mode. | 10 | Bronze |
这太简单了 | 以Human模式完成游戏 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Done and Done | Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode. | 10 | Bronze |
完成两次 | 以Devil Hunter模式完成游戏 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Hardly A Simple Task | Clear all missions in Son of Sparda Mode. | 20 | Bronze |
难说简单 | 以Son of Sparta模式完成游戏 | 20 | 铜杯 |
All Bow Before You | Clear all missions in Dante Must Die Mode. | 20 | Bronze |
众人叩拜 | 以Dante Must Die模式完成游戏 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Step into the Light | Clear all missions in Heaven or Hell Mode. | 10 | Bronze |
踏入光明 | 以Heaven or Hell模式完成游戏 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Tonight, We Dine in Hell | Clear all missions in Hell and Hell Mode. | 20 | Bronze |
今夜,我们在地狱吃晚餐 | 以Hell and Hell模式完成游戏 | 20 | 铜杯 |
A Throne of Glory | Clear all game modes. | 50 | Gold |
荣誉王座 | 完成游戏所有模式 | 50 | 金杯 |
The Best of the Rest | Clear all missions in Human Mode with an S ranking. | 10 | Bronze |
休闲最佳 | 在Human模式下以S评价完成所有任务 | 10 | 铜杯 |
A Cut Above | Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode with an S ranking. | 10 | Bronze |
强一些 | 在Devil Hunter模式下以S评价完成所有任务 | 10 | 铜杯 |
A Stunning Feat | Clear all missions in Son of Sparda Mode with an S ranking. | 20 | Bronze |
卓越功绩 | 在Son of Sparda模式下以S评价完成所有任务 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Never Say Die | Clear all missions in Dante Must Die Mode with an S ranking. | 40 | Silver |
永远别说死 | 在Dante Must Die模式下以S评价完成所有任务 | 40 | 银杯 |
Nothing Left Unsaid | Clear all secret missions. | 20 | Bronze |
没有不能说的秘密 | 完成所有Secert Missions | 20 | 铜杯 |
Skill Collector - Nero | Acquire all of Nero's skills. | 40 | Silver |
技巧大师 - 尼禄 | 获得所有Nero的技巧 | 40 | 银杯 |
Skill Collector - Dante | Acquire all of Dante's skills. | 40 | Silver |
技巧大师 - 但丁 | 获得所有Dante的技巧 | 40 | 银杯 |
King of the Palace | Clear all Bloody Palace Mode stages with an S ranking. | 50 | Gold |
宫殿帝王 | 以S评价完成血宫的所有关卡 | 50 | 金杯 |
Rookie Devil Hunter | Defeat 100 enemies. | 10 | Bronze |
菜鸟恶魔猎人 | 击败100个敌人 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Skilled Devil Hunter | Defeat 1,000 enemies. | 20 | Bronze |
熟练恶魔猎人 | 击败1000个敌人 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Smokin'! | Complete a Stylish Rank S (Smokin'!) combo. | 10 | Bronze |
帅呆了! | 完成一个S级别华丽的连技 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Smokin' Style!! | Complete a Stylish Rank SS (Smokin' Style!!) combo. | 10 | Bronze |
帅呆了哇! | 完成一个SS级别华丽的连技 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Smokin' Sick Style!!! | Complete a Stylish Rank SSS (Smokin' Sick Style!!!) combo. | 20 | Bronze |
帅呆了卧槽 | 完成一个SSS级别华丽的连技 | 20 | 铜杯 |
What Legends Are Made Of | Clear all missions in Legendary Dark Knight Mode. | 20 | Bronze |
传奇如何诞生 | 以Legendary Dark Knight模式完成游戏 | 20 | 铜杯 |
I Am Legendary | Clear all missions in Legendary Dark Knight Mode with an S Ranking. | 40 | Silver |
我是传奇 | 在Legendary Dark Knight模式下以S级别完成所有任务 | 40 | 银杯 |
Devil In A Blue Coat | Clear the game with Vergil. | 20 | Bronze |
蓝衣恶魔 | 用Vergil完成游戏 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Deadly Pair | Clear the game with Lady and Trish. | 20 | Bronze |
死亡拍档 | 用Lady和Trish完成游戏 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Bring It On! | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Nero. | 20 | Bronze |
来呀! | 用Nero完成所有血宫的关卡 | 20 | 铜杯 |
I Live For This | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Dante. | 20 | Bronze |
靠这个维持生计 | 用Dante完成所有血宫的关卡 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Might Makes Right | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Vergil. | 20 | Bronze |
权利至上 | 用Vergil完成所有血宫的关卡 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Bazooka Babe | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Lady. | 20 | Bronze |
火箭宝贝 | 用Lady完成所有血宫的关卡 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Filled With Light | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Trish. | 20 | Bronze |
光彩照人 | 用Trish完成所有血宫的关卡 | 20 | 铜杯 |
House Of Pain | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with all characters | 50 | Gold |
痛苦大屋 | 用所有角色完成所有血宫的关卡 | 50 | 金杯 |
Ruthless Efficiency | Clear the Bloody Palace within 2 hours. | 40 | Silver |
效率太高 | 2小时之内通关血宫 | 40 | 银杯 |
Untouchable | Defeat Dante in the Bloody Palace without taking any damage. | 50 | Gold |
触碰不到 | 在血宫无伤击败Dante | 50 | 金杯 |
Furiously Fast | Clear the Bloody Palace in Turbo Mode. | 20 | Bronze |
速度激情 | 在Turbo模式下完成血宫 | 20 | 铜杯 |
Down A Notch | Defeat Dante with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
击败传奇 | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS评价击败Dante | 20 | 铜杯 |
Flame Out | Defeat Berial with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
火焰扑灭 | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS评价击败Berial | 20 | 铜杯 |
Leap Frog | Defeat Bael with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
跳蛙 | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS评价击败Bael | 20 | 铜杯 |
Bad Seed | Defeat Echidna with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
坏种子 | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS评价击败Echidna | 20 | 铜杯 |
One Winged Devil | Defeat Angelo Credo with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
单翼恶魔 | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS评价击败Angelo Credo | 20 | 铜杯 |
For Science! | Defeat Angelo Agnus with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
为了科学! | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS评价击败Angelo Agnus | 20 | 铜杯 |
False Prophet | Defeat The Savior with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | 20 | Bronze |
伪先知 | 在Son of Sparda模式或更高以SSS级别击败The Savior | 20 | 铜杯 |
Legendary Devil Hunter | Defeat 10,000 enemies. | 40 | Silver |
传奇恶魔猎人 | 击败10000个敌人 | 40 | 银杯 |
Wrath Of The Raging Demon Hunter | Defeat 10 enemies within 1 second. | 20 | Bronze |
狂躁魔鬼猎人的愤怒 | 1秒钟内击败10个敌人 | 20 | 铜杯 |

鬼泣4:特别版Devil May Cry® 4 Special Edition
制作公司:CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
发行公司:CAPCOM Co., Ltd.